An Expensive Purchase

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I leafed through my money. This was going to be expensive. 

Of course I would rather not spend money on frivolous things, but unfortunately this time it was necessary. 

A sparkling diamond caught my eye. But not before the price tag did... 

"700 Pounds? That is most definitely not adequate." I gave the shopkeeper an icy glare.

"Er... I c-cannot go much lower..." replied the Shopkeeper nervously. 

I sent another icy glare his way to intimidate him further.  

This was the perfect engagement ring aside from the price. If I couldn't get it substantially cheaper then I would simply not use a ring to propose.

But she does deserve a ring doesn't she? 

Yes I suppose so... Wait a moment! Where did that thought come from? I was already using my precious time to potentially buy a ring. Knowledge is power is time is money. I couldn't forget that! 

"100 Pounds." I replied dryly with an even colder glare. 

"How a-about 650? I can't go lower, I h-have a family to feed." the Shopkeeper stammered. 

That would simply not do. I needed to expand my empire not decrease it. 

"110 Pounds!" I replied angrily. 

Honestly why was I wasting my precious money and time on a thoughtless purchase? 

Is it really a waste if you love her? Imagine those brown fiery eyes flash in surprise upon seeing  the ring. Her in a dashing white gown, waltzing down the aisle towards...

Before I could vanquish those absurd thoughts a familiar voice piped up, "Mr. Ambrose will take the ring for full price. I would hate for your family to starve because of a miserly customer."

And there he was, the devil himself! 

"Mr. Linton!"

"Actually its Miss Linton, Sir", she said with a curtsy.

How on earth did she manage to make the word 'Sir' sound disrespectful?  

Keeping my face hard as granite I replied, "Miss Linton, I will definitely not be paying full price". 

It certainly was expensive. I couldn't just buy a ring that costly... 

She batted her lashes innocently. Her lips began to transform into a pout. 

I wasn't going to fall for that look. Never.

Maybe just once?

I'll take the ring for 600 pounds, not  full price." I said to the shopkeeper. 

The Shopkeeper gave Lilly a confused look to which she shrugged. 

"Well, hurry it up. I don't have all day to waste", I said with a glare. 

The shopkeeper hurriedly wrapped up the ring in a little package as I begrudgingly placed my money on the counter. 

I walked out of the store with Lilly at my side. 

"Well I suppose you already know what I wanted to ask you?" I said my lips twitching up almost to a smile. 

"Indeed" she replied with a smirk. 

Goodness why was she so difficult? Was she unable to be agreeable for once? Why would she...

My thoughts were broken off as her lips came crashing down upon mine. 

"Yes", she whispered breaking the kiss to look me in the eye. "Yes".


Well I hope you enjoyed it! This is my first attempt at writing fan-fiction so I apologize for any mistakes or character inconsistencies. Like I said in the description, all rights go to Rob Thier. Let me know what you think, I would greatly appreciate feedback! Also let me know if you think I should continue writing one-shots. And finally if you haven't read Storms and Silence, you really should. It's a great book! You can find it on Rob Thier's profile. 

Yours Truly,



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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