Chapter 1

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-(Y/n)'s POV-

Have you ever had the feeling that you were endlessly falling, never hitting the ground? Or received the best news of your life. I don't know how to explain it. Just the weird feeling of excitement/nervousness/fear you sometimes get... All those mixed emotions happening all at once. Wanting to barf but also wanting to jump up and down.

"I can't believe this is happening, I'm so excited! OMG OMG OMG I CAN'T WA- and here comes the panic attack..."

"TAKE ME BACK!" I commanded my dad, causing him to spill his overpriced coffee all over the driver seat.

"HA-HAWT!! Wait?? What?! What do you mean?! We're almost there..." he said quickly wiping off the burning coffee from his right thigh as we started entering the school parking lot.

Bangtan High School, the city's most renowned school. Many people graduate from this establishment and never forget their experience. They live such memorable years. I'm going to spend my last year here, and I am not ready to go to school as the new girl; the looks, the awkward social interaction with people I don't know, people in general...

"Maybe there will be cute boys there....Na... don't be a hoe, you're already promised to Lee Taeyong, even if he doesnt know you exist and is a idol with millions of fans, you're gonna end up together, just like in the fanfics!"

Dad parks the car infront of the entrance. I already feel many faces starring towards me.

"It's okay (Y/n), just breath in and breathe out, they'll love you..."  I told myself.

You see, I'm not really the type to be quiet or shy, I'm actually very outgoing and sassy, but I get really awkward like....REALLY AWKWARD. I'm really cool with people I know, but making friends is hard.

I looked out the window. Everyone was in a group. There wasn't any social struc- scratch that; I found the hoes and fuckboys of the school. Girls with their tits falling out of their shirts and guys with their pants way to low grinding up against eachother.

"I thought this was a private school? How come these shits are allowed to be dressed like this? As if it was to make some kind of ambiance of a basic high school fanfic..."

I made eye contact with one of the girls and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Who the fuck does she think she is? THIS FUCKING BITCH! How dare she roll her eyes... AT ME! RUDE!"

I put my head down.

The anxiety had doubled and I couldn't balance myself.

"Dad, turn the goddamn car!!"

" CHOI (Y/N)!! Watch your language!" my dad replied shocked at my profanity.

He turned around to face me.

"Ow my arm, I'm hurt..." I acted as if I just got hurt.

"It's ok (Y/n)! You're going to survive. You've done this before and besides, Bangtan High School is great; it was my best years and I was in all the clubs!"

"I barely fit in the last time, I don't want to do this again, people don't understand my awesomeness...its hard being me!"

"You're just overreacting," he said as he rolled his eyes.

"Dad, try to put yourself in my shoes. I'm a loser and don't belong here. I'd rather be home-schooled"

"Honey, you're the cooliest teen I know and besides, you're my daughter, Choi Siwon's amazing daughter!"

"Dad, I'm the only teen you know..."

"Well it's too late now, get out of my car~ "


"Get out of the car (Y/n), I have to go to work!"


"I'll carry you out and you'll be known as (Y/n) the potato bag," said my dad, clearly done with my shit.


"I love you~"

"Love you too, bye."

I got out of the car and watched my dad drive off honking the car horn multiple times to a beat.


My legs felt like jelly. I felt as if everyone was staring at me even though there was nothing wrong with me. I mean beside the fact that I'm fabulous and have amazing looks, I am wearing the same uniform. It's probably just me... Maybe I should just run away and hide in a cave or something? No.. I'll probably scare off the bears with my charm and end up lonely again.

I followed along and got into the line to receive my schedule and my locker combination. Honestly, I just hope that it's not stuck next to a weirdo locker neighbor for the whole year...


Author's note

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