Chapter 7

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**Jamie P.O.V.**

Did that guy just ask if they were still on for coffee? Um...probably not dude, he was just making out with his sexy ass brother for fucks sake, get the fuck out!

But what Alex said, it took me by surprise, hell it ripped my heart out.

'Sure, we can go once I get better.'

I looked at him with disgust, the fuck Alex? You make out with me and then go on a coffee date with this...that...RAYNE?! You ass you kissed me first!

'The fuck Alex? You make out with me and then go on a coffee date with this...that...RAYNE?!' I got off of him. 'You ass you kissed me first!' I voiced my exact thoughts aloud.

'Jamie listen.' He ran a hand through his hair.

'No, you listen you asshole I LOVE YOU!' I put my hand over my mouth. Did I just say that? Infront of Alex and Rayne? Oh gosh no. I ran out of the room as fast as my legs would carry me, which was pretty damn fast considering I ran track. I ran out the front door and booked it down the street, thank gosh it stopped snowing, it was just a little chilly now.

I cut through the little alleyway that me and Ivy used to play in when we first adopted her and she couldn't sleep and didn't want to wake Ivorie. Now that I think about it, this place held a lot of memories.

Flashback Jamie's:

I was 14 and Ivy had been 13 it was the third week since they had moved in with us and I had noticed Ivy hadn't slept much. She would just leave her room when Ivorie fell asleep and walk out of the house, today I decided to follow her. I climbed out of bed and made sure not to wake Alex since he slept in the bottom bunk and the darn bed shook.

I walked out of the room and slowly walked downstairs behind Ivy, she really didn't notice me? Hm...well of course not Jamie, you're a ninja we all know this. She went out the door and left it cracked open, how dangerious what if a bad guy came and killed us all?

Once I walked out the door I noticed her walk down a little alleyway. Some of the houses down the alley turned and faced each other, and the doors swing open often from what I noticed. But what I didn't notice was the twig that I stepped on and it snapped and made an echo in the alleyway. I ducked behind a trash can.

'Who's there?' I saw Ivy look side to side. 'I swear you better come out now or I'll bang on one of these doors and yell rape, unless you're a kitty then I'll adopt you.'

This chick was going to let a stray live in our house?! Fuck that! All we need is Moon.

'Calm down Ivy, its just me Jamie.' I walked from behind the trash can.

'What are you doing here?' She sounded relived.

'I noticed you always leave the house, I wanted to see where you go.'

'Just this alleyway, I just draw on the walls and stuff.'

'That illegal.'

'So is beating your children.' She spat at me.

'Sorry. I didn't mean to..'

She cut me off. 'Its fine, I'm sorry Jamie.'

'So this is it huh? The mistery spot Ivy goes and leaves Ivorie all alone at?'

'She's fine in bed, I don't leave her if shes awake, I just need a place to think.'

'Oh...about your dad?'


'No, you can tell me Ivy it's ok.'

'My...ugh sexuality.'

'You're a girl.'

'No dumb hole my sexual orientation like...relationship preferences.'

'Oh! Well if it helps any...I'm gay.' I smiled at her.

'I think I'm pansexual.'

'Sky is too, she'll love to have someone to talk to about it.'

'Oh...I really like this alleyway.' Ivy said clearly bored with our previous conversation.

'I guess I'll leave you to it then.'

'No, please stay, I want company...' She sounded so sad.

'Ok, I'm here for you Ivy, you're my sister.'

I think that was the second Ivy actually excepted that she was somewhere she was actually loved and cared for. We spent all our nights there for 5 more months, until one time Ivy was walking and someone swung open their front door and it knocked her out, she was in the hospital because the force of the door, at least she wasn't running.

:End of Flashback Jamie's

I guess I should've learned that lesson from Ivy's experience because as the flashback left, a door swung open and I was knocked backwards.

'Holy shit I'm so sorry are you ok?' A boy was saying to me.


'Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!' He grabbed a phone and called 911.

I tried to stand up but my leg made a terrible cracking noise and I screamed, oh gosh broken, my leg is broken! What is Sky going to think, she's gonna be so...huh, my head hurts a lot now.

'Dude, I'm going to need you to stay awake ok?' He smiled at me. 'My name is Jace, what about yours?'


'Ok Jamie, well I think your leg is broken and you hit your head pretty hard.'

I tried to laugh but I felt light headed, I closed my eyes to blink, but I don't remember opening them.

'Oh shit.' Was the last voice I heard, as I was falling into unconsciousness and I heard sirens.

Just blinking.




Authors Note:

Don't blink children!

I've always wanted to kill a character in my story. It has always seemed cool to me. Oh right isn't that cool? So what the fuck Alex? Like seriously? Jamie said he loved Alex! Oh snap! What now??

Remember when I said I'd intorduce a character into this story that would be in my other story? Yeah I changed my mind, but I will make another boyxboy story about a camp so CALM YOUR TITS PEOPLE! Not that anyone was bugging me but ehh still.

Ok so um...I really have NO IDEA where this story will go and I'm getting sad, I'm just going to work on my camp story ok? Yes, bye!

Oh pic to the side is Jace!


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