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I woke up in my own bed, back at my apartment. My room was quite neat, unlike the way I left it.
My brother walked in. His eyes were the opposite of soft,
"Who did it," he questioned. My eyes widened. "W-Who did what?"
"Who gave you date-rape drugs?"
I sat in silence for a second until he spoke up again. "Was it the boy you're dating?"
I looked up at him, remembering everything that had happened.
"It wasn't his fault."
Ethan rolled his eyes. "Then what happened Liza?"
"I wanted to drink, and it was the first thing I grabbed."
Ethan rubbed his temples. "You are so stupid, you could have died."
"Sorry.." I looked down at my hands.

Ethans eyes grew soft again. "It's alright."
He sat on my bed facing me. "I can't lose you Liza. You are the only thing I have left."
He grabbed my hands and held them in his.
"I know I can't always protect you, but I'm gonna try my damnedest to. I have to keep you alive, for dad."
I nodded, feeling guilt creep up my spine. This was my fault, I knew it too. I teared up at the thought of it all, not being one to usually cry.
"Liza? Are you okay..."
I shook my head as a tear slipped out of the corner of my eye and down my cheek.
He instantly pulled me into a hug.
"Everything is okay..."

It had been awhile since my brother and I have had a moment of peace together. We were always busy, and never really talked like family. But now, it was like I didn't need to talk, he just knew.
He knew I wasn't okay after what happened to my dad. He knew that I don't mean to hurt people, but I did.

My brother knew everything.
But what he didn't know, was that I shot a man.


I forced myself to go back downstairs after last. The boys sat on the couch laughing about something. I slightly overheard their conversation.

"Dallas is on his way back. He is bringing us drugs from Dani. Some we actually payed for."
I walked into the room and joined their conversation, making sure I was intruding.
As soon as I sat down, Dallas walked in with a brown paper bag. He threw it at one of the boys and plopped down on the couch.
"Theres a enough for fifteen lines, thirty if you spilt them."

I mentally rolled my eyes. Carson smiled and then looked over at me.
"So Davey, you got into Brooke's pants huh?"
I shrugged.
"She's easy."
They all laughed and I played along.
"Oh and what about you Dallas, how's it with the queen of everything hot?"
Dallas laughed, "She's great in bed, amazing actually."
I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
"But she's so fucking emotional. It's annoying."
I ticked inside. "Well, she does have a lot on her shoulders," I said trying to pull the pressure off of Liza.
"Yeah but she's still an annoying little fuck. She should be able to manage her problems by herself."
"Not everyone can handle things alone."
"She's a Koshy."
"And?" My temper began to rise as he stereotyped her.
"She shouldn't be weak."
"And you should keep your fucking mouth shut."

The room went silent. Dallas looked at me in confusion.
"If you say one more fucking word about her, I will kill you."
Then he laughed. He laughed at my death threat.
"You wouldn't do that," he said, still laughing.
I pulled my gun off my hip and aimed it at him.

"Wanna bet?"

"Woah woah woah," he said backing into the couch. "Put the gun down."
"Keep your mouth shut. Liza deserves much more than your two faced ass. If you fucking hurt her, I will murder you."

The room remained silent.

"And that's not a threat, it's a promise."

I lowered my gun and sat back down. Dallas got up and walked towards the door.
"I'll go get your bitch for you David."

Before I could turn to shoot, he was gone.
I stood up and kicked the coffee table over in anger.

I walked outside and to my car and drove off.
I had to see her. I had to talk to her. I had to hold her hand. I had to kiss her.

I drove like hell to her apartment. My eyes widened when I saw Dallas's mustang.
"Oh fuck no."
I got out and ran into the complex, and forcefully knocking on her door.
"Dallas stop!"
I heard her voice from behide the door.
"Liza!" I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I started beating on the door.
"Liza! Liza!"
She screamed out and a gun went off.

My heart sunk.
"No! Liza! No!"

My hands went numb.
"No... please..."

My voice grew weak with each word. A tear fell down to my cheek.


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