Part 3

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Request: Could I request more French Quarter please? AND Choose Klaus, without a doubt ! ;)

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Klaus x Reader

Word Count: 2,569

Warnings: Smut, a bit of angst


Tracing your fingers along the marks on the page, you knew it was Klaus you wanted. You loved Cas, but he had hurt you in more ways than one. Not only had he abandoned you, but he made you feel like you were beneath him, like you were less than he was because he was an angel and you weren't. Klaus had never made you feel like anything less than his equal. He knew you weren't weak or fragile and he never treated you as such. You didn't know if things would work out in the end, but you wanted to give your relationship with Klaus a chance.

Closing the book, you place it back on the nightstand and begin to pray to Cas. You needed to speak with him first and tell him of your decision. "I'm here," Cas tells you as he appears in the room.

"Cas, I -" you begin, "I'm sorry, but I can't be with you anymore."

"So you've chosen him over me," Cas says sadly.

"I never meant to hurt you," you tell him, "It's just, we're not meant to be together."

"I loved you," Cas says, "I still do."

"I'm sorry Cas," you tell him, "But Klaus is what I need right now. With him I can be myself."

"Who were you when you were with me?" Cas asks.

"I didn't mean it like that," you tell him.

"What did you mean?" Cas presses.

"When we were together, I felt like you were in control of everything. I couldn't go on a hunt without you following me, couldn't get a bruise or scrape without you healing it; Hell, I could hardly do a thing without you worrying about me," you tell him, "Klaus lets me hunt and make my own mistakes. He can put his foot down at times, but he lets me make my own decisions. That's what I need Cas, someone who isn't completely worried about me twenty-four seven."

"I only wanted to protect you," Cas says, "I didn't mean to make you feel that way."

"I know," you tell him, "And I'm sorry I pushed you away."

"Then don't do it again," Cas pleads, "Even if you don't love me, don't push me out of your life. We were always friends and I still want to be."

"I'd like that," you tell him. Cas gives you an awkward, sad smile before disappearing. You almost wish things had ended differently with Cas; but at the same time, if things had ended any differently, you never would've met Klaus.

You weren't mad at Cas, how could you be? Neither of you had meant to hurt the other. You forgave him and you hoped that he forgave you, but you just weren't meant to be together. Cas was a good man, he just wasn't the right one for you.

Taking a deep breath, you head out to the balcony overlooking the courtyard. "Klaus," you call down, "Can I talk to you, alone?"

"Of course, Love," Klaus says, looking up at you from where he sits by the fountain. Sam and Dean sit a distance away, mumbling to each other. They narrow their eyes at Klaus, watching as he ascends the stairs towards you. He follows you to the bedroom and waits for you to speak.

"Klaus," you begin as you close the door, "When I said that I loved you -"

"You didn't mean it," Klaus finishes for you, "How could you love a monster like me?"

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