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Hey guys! Sorry I wasn't able to post yesterday! I was super busy but the song above is Gravity by Against The Current!

"Where have you been?" the woman demanded. She didn't seem fazed by the fact that I was in her presence, but she looked furious. Her black hair was pulled back in a half-braid that cascaded down her back. She wore a nightgown and a sheer cloak. She must have just gotten out of bed. Was she waiting for Christian? She must have been.

She held an aura of confidence and authority that blazed with anger. A terrible combination.

"You have been sneaking out for days now! And you brought home a witch? Who is this?" She gestured at me in severe annoyance, although she never actually looked at me. I stared at this woman with a look of complete shock. I was no witch. Why would she think that? And even if I were a witch, which I wasn't, how would she know? Who was this? How did she know Christian? What was happening?

My eyes darted around me as I tried not to look at her face. I didn't want her to turn her glare to me. I couldn't comprehend how Christian wasn't stumbling for words yet. He seemed completely confident in front of this woman. I was completely terrified.

"Aria, please. Listen to what I have to say. She is no witch." I snapped my head around to meet his gaze. He refused to look at me as his eyes were fixed on the woman that he called "Aria." I could feel only anger from Aria. She didn't have any other emotions at the moment for me to cling to. That made it all worse.

I watched conflict unfold in Aria's eyes. She made a hmpf noise as she looked away from Christian to meet my gaze. I snapped my eyes down to look at grass beneath my feet. I could feel her accessing my being, but I refused to look up and meet her glare. If I did that, I might have fainted like Mother always did. I could still feel her eyes on me as I heard Christian walk closer to me. The warmth from his body met my back as he came closer.

"It's all right, Eliza. She seems a bit terrifying, but she does mean well." This surprised me so much that my head jerked up, and I saw that Aria was no longer in the doorway. I knew she must have been watching us still, though. I could feel her gaze on Christian and me. She must have gone back into the house. Yes, I saw movement in the window next to the door. I nodded my head curtly as I stared at the dark doorway.

I felt completely frozen as I stared at the open front door. I had seen that door so many times now, and yet, it still seemed threatening to me. I felt like walking through that door was going to change everything. Everything was going to be different once I walked through that door. I tried to shake those thoughts off as I felt Christian's hand tug on mine.

"Come on. You can come in." Christian said quietly, and I nodded my head once again as I followed him. I'm not quite sure that I would have been able to respond with my voice right now. My whole body was numb with surprise and terror, and I didn't truly realize that I had just follow him into the house until the door was shutting, and I was being lead to a door in the left corridor.

The door had been left open for us and Aria was sitting behind a desk with her arms crossed over her chest. She was still glaring at Christian. "Sit," she stated crossly. This woman was terrifying. How did Christian know this woman? How was he not terrified? I tried reaching out for his emotions, but, again, I couldn't make them out.

Surprise zipped through me as I felt more than just Christian's jumbled emotions. Aria's were jumbled as well now. I could make out anger just barely, but her emotions slipped through my fingers.

But then I could feel more of these jumbled-up emotions. Some were clearer, and some were just completely peaceful. There were obviously a lot more people in this house than I had thought. What was this place? Who were these people? Why couldn't I sense their emotions like other people? I couldn't understand why I couldn't make out their emotions. Was I losing this curse placed on me?

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