What Started As A Sneeze

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was currently walking down the street as I made my way to the train station where I would meet my boyfriend Shouto on our way to school. I had felt a little horrible when I woke up this morning, but I decided to shake it off and continue on with my day. As the train station came in sight and I saw the bi-colored haired male waiting for me while reading a book, I began to quicken my pace. My legs began to protest with using more strength than necessary, but I ignored it and continued forward.

"Shouto!" I called out while waving to him with a smile.

He looked up from his book and a gentle smile replace his monotone one.

"Hello (y/n), you ready to go? He asked me. I gave him a slight nod and he held my hand as we boarded the train that just came by. Luckily, there weren't many people on this morning so we were able to find two seats right next to each other.

"Achooo!" I sneezed into the arm opposite to the hand Shouto was holding.

"Are you alright?" Shouto asked me, worry evident in his face.

 I let go of him and shook both of my hands," Don't worry about it, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You're cheeks look a little red as well, you are sick are you?"

"N-no I'm all good, see?" I say while showing him the brightest smile I could muster. All of a sudden the train starts moving. The second the train jolted I had a huge head ache come over me, pain evident in my face.

"(Y/n), you don't look well at all!" Shouto said with more worry laced in his voice.

"I'm fine, really! I just got a bad head ache is all. W-would you mind if I rested my head on your shoulder?" I asked with a slight blush. He smiled a little and guided my head onto his shoulder, stroking my head as I laid there. 

"Thank you" I mumbled before falling asleep.

Shouto's POV

As (Y/n) fell asleep, her breaths weren't peaceful, but ragged and uneven. I kept stroking her hair with my hand to try and soothe the pain in her head. Since (Y/n) doesn't have a family, there's no one that could take care of her. Thinking about how someone as sweet as her had to endure being alone all her life, even when she was sick, made me feel absolutely horrible inside. I softly placed a kiss on her head. As I did this I saw her face show a little less pain making me smile a little.' You won't be alone anymore, because I'm here for you now.' I thought to myself.

Todoroki Shouto x Sick!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now