chapter 5 another visit

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Kenny and kyle were standing outside of the cabin it was pitch black only light was illuminating from their flashlights kyle looked at kenny

"You ready?" kyle asked

"As ready as I'll ever be" kenny replied

Kyle swallowed hard before walking to the door and opening it feeling a chill going down his spine. They both entered the cabin and made their way over to that small door staring at it

"You gonna open it?" kenny asked

Kyle bent bown and opened the door. He went down the stairs first with kenny following right behind him. They walked down the cold and erie hall right back to that little girls room.
They searched around.

"This place gives me the creeps" kenny said looking at the eye less dolls sitting on the shelf staring at him

"Especially these dolls..who would take eyes out of dolls?"

"Someone whose mentally ill probably" kyle replied opening the small drawer that sat by the bed

He saw a small black book and picked it up and opened it it was written in weird language

"Kenny come take a look at this"

Kenny walked over with his flashlight shining it on the worn out pages

"A book?"

"Yeah its written in a weird language I can't reat it though"

"Hmm probably Latin or something"

Kyle flipped through the pages to the end of the book and saw table of contents written in English

"Kenny these are spells i-its a spell book"

"So you're telling me that we're getting into some demonic shit?"

Kyle just stared at the book

"Put it back kyle"


"Because we are not gonna get caught up in some demonic type shit .now put it back and lets get out if here"

Kenny said while walking to the door kyle didn't put it back he put the book in his backpack and closed the dresser drawer and got up and walked to kenny they both walked out of the room getting ready to leave until they heard growles coming from the room they just left from

"What the hell was that?" kenny asked

They started to hear what sounded like shakles scraping across the floor.

"Shit we need to run now"

They both took off running as fast as they could twords the exit but something seemed to have caught kyle by his legs causing him to fall and having his flashlight fall right out of his hand

"Kenny!" kyle yelled out but kenny couldn't hear him he was long gone leaving kyle by himself.

Kyle could feel somthing grabbing tighter around his leg pulling him in close and gripping into his skin he didn't know what it was it was to dark to even see it he started blindly kicking at it trying to pull his leg away eventually he got free getting up and quickly reviving his flashlight before running back down the hall and back up to the cabin he closed the door quickly and ran out he saw kenny bent over catching his breath

"Dude you okay kyle?"kenny asked

Kyle sat down

"I guess but you left me"

"I'm sorry I was running for my life"

Kenny stared at kyles leg

"Um kyle" he pointed at his leg kyle looked and saw a skeletal hand wrapped around his leg he quickly took it off and threw it

"What the hell"kyle yelled out

"How did you get that on you"kenny asked

"I don't know it must of been the thing that tripped me"

"I think we over stayed our welcome it's time to leave"

Kyle got up

"Yeah. We can't tell stan about this"

Kenny shrugged

They both quickly left the woods not once looking back at that creepy cabin

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