chapter 10

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Kyle got to his class and sat down waiting for class to start he was tired. Kenny walked over to him

"Hey Kyle"

Kyle looked the other way he didn't want to speak to kenny

"Dude why are you ignoring me?"kenny asked

"Is it because I told stan about what happened?" kenny asked

"Look I'm sorry admit that but you don't have to hold a childish grudge against me."

"Kenny what do you want?"

"Well i wanted to tell you something it was about cartman"

Kyle looked at kenny

"What about him?"

"He's missing"

"Cartmans missing? Since when"

"Since saturday"

Saturday? That was the day me and tweek found ourselves at that cabin.he went missing on that same day could he of been under the same trance me and tweek was under?

"Uh kyle?hello" kenny called out waving his hands in front of the redheads face


"You alright buddy?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

Stan walked up to them and sat down

"Hey guys"stan said pulling out his phone

"Did you two hear about what happened to cartman?"stan asked

"Yeah I uh just told Kyle About it actually"

Craig and tweek walked into the class and sat down tweek laid his head down on his desk.

Stan stood up

"I'll be right back"stan said

"Where are you going?"

"To check on tweek and craig"

"I thought you said to leave them alone"

"I'm gonna talk to craig not tweek"

Stan walked twords the two

"Hey craig"

"What do you want"

"I just wanted to ask how Tweeks doing."

"He's fine" craig replied he glanced at kyle

"What about Kyle how's he?" craig asked

"He's alright I guess"

"I heard about what happened to your friend cartman" craig said tweek lifted his head up off the desk

"S-something happened to cartman?"tweek asked

"Uh...kinda?" stan answered

"W-what happened?"

"It's nothing tweek forget it and go back to sleep" craig said

"B-but you said Something happened I-is he hurt? Is he dead? Oh god that's it He's dead isn't he? Somebody else I know is dead is that right?"

Craig grabed tweeks hand
"Tweek calm down He's not dead"

"Then what is it?"

"He's...missing" craig answered

"M-missing? Like token and clyde?"

"No not like them"

"H-hes missing he's gonna be like token and clyde. He's gonna die"

"Tweek don't talk like that"

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