Chapter 1; Admit It

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Ryan's POV

Please remember to study, next week there is going to be a pop quiz."

There was a low groan from the class but not me. Astronomy was my favorite subject, no doubt. I've been studying all week. Not that I'm a nerd or anything. The stuff is just really interesting.

I get up and pack up my things after the bell rings. As I head to my locker I notice my friend Nick standing there. I greet him with a nod.

"Hey Ryan." he says.

"Hey." I say.

"So, I was wondering if you had math homework."

"Dude seriously?" I say in announce. "I'm not giving you Math homework again. Go ask one of your un-paid nerds, or are they all out of service?"

He just stared at me. "Woah dude," he said after about a minute. calm down. It was a yes or no question."

"No." I mumble as I put my books in my locker.

"Fine." he says then walks away. Only to turn around and shout, "Don't forget to stop by the pharmacy after school and pick up a big bag of CHILL PILLS!"

I gave him my middle finger and he smirked as he continued down the hall. Well I sure know how to pick my best friends. Me and Nick go way back even though we lost touch, but we manage to become friends all over again.

I head to the café and notice Evan talking to Grace at our usual table. Grace's back is turned to me so I can't see her expression, but Evan has this sort of coy smile on. I take in Grace's appearance. She's wearing a white dress with a jean jacket and a pair of universe socks inside her black and white converses. I smile at my bestie's odd fashion choices. She's so weird.

That probably the main reason I like her.

Evan slips Grace a piece of paper and she examines it, then puts it in the pocket of her jean jacket. Then Evan walked off.

"I wonder what that was about.'' I think. I sit across from Grace and she doesn't seem to notice because she's on her phone.

"A little distracted today, are we?" I say to her. She looks up at me and flashes me one of her million dollar smiles. "God, why is she so beautiful?" I think.

"Hola!" she says a little to excited.

"A little too hype today to. What's up with you?" I ask wondering if it has anything to do with what Evan gave her.

She looked up at me in confusion and then smiled and said, "Oh, nothing. I just got an A on my Math test thanks to YOUR helpful tutoring. Thanks bestie!" She says and lunges across the table just to hug me. Her outbursts are always random, I wounldn't have it anyother way. I hug her back.

"Oh, also...." she says as she pulls a piece of paper out of her jean jacket. "Guess where Nick is going to be this weekend?"

I groaned at the sound of his name. "Seriously?'' I think. You see, Grace has this long standing crush on Nick, yeah the guy who was just bugging me for homework. I honestly don't see what she sees. He's rude, pushy, stubborn, lazy..... must I go on? And I should know, he's one of my closest friends. Well, he could never compare to Grace.

"Where?" I say trying to be a supportive friend. She squeels before answering, "The waterpark!" She pretents to faint, while I might actually pass out from her reaction to his location.

"Okay, so I'm guessing your making plans to head up there to that waterpark and make an 'accidentally' apperance?" I guess.

She looks at me and says, "You know mw so well." I nod. "But you forgot one little detail." she finishes. Now it is me who looks confused. "Come again?" I say.

She turns her attention back to her phone and says, "Ryan, you HAVE to come with me. You know I can't talk to him without looking like a freaking idiot." She says as if it's the most obvious thing on the planet.

I sigh. "As long as I'm with you, I'll go anywhere." I mumble and look up at her face. She has no idea how I feel about her, and how much it pains me to see her falling for my best friend, someone who doesn't give two shits about her.

"Okay, I'll take ya." I say.

She looks up at me and smile only to remove her glance from me to the nearby window. She seems sorta of in a trance. I turn and there's Nick, high-fiving some kid who probably agreed to do his homework.

"Fucking user." I mumble. Nick is my friend and all but he's such a player, user. I really hate that Grace likes someone like him. I honestly do, it stabs my heart and I don't care how cheesy it sounds.

"Someday...." she sighs as she continues to stare dreamly.

"Yeah." I say as I turn back to stare at her beautiful face.


* * * * * * * * *

So, what do you think so far? Please remeber that I'm just a beginner at this. Also, this is a true story about me and an old friend. I just figured that I'd write a story with it.

Socks, Donuts, and all thinks fuffy


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