Just a random notice

82 9 1

Ello there readers
I sound all official
I hope no one got attached to the profile picture that is currently there because it's not me.
My friend ( Yeah Cassidy, that psycho)
Thought that guy was cute and decided to make him the profile pic which I find highly unfair because you all can see a real picture of HER! (background)
And nobody sends us messages asking 'Is that really Cassidy as the background?'
I get all these messages asking 'Is that really you Ryan as the pp?'
I guess because this guy is on Google Images or whatever.
But Cassidy practically threatened me with a stuffed animal if I changed it.
But that was a while ago
Plus I finally convinced her to let me put an ACTUALLY pic of me because I'm not gonna be one of them online creepers. :D
No I'm not about that stalker life.
Honest. ;3
So, just wanted to let anyone who cared know.
Because let's face it, not everyone cares.
It's just a fact.
I'm tired now sooo
Bye random people! :)


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