You never walk alone part.1

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I watch Suga part ways to join the other members for practice. From opening to closing the door behind him.

"Now to kill time." Thinking about what to do while the boys are practicing, I decided. I started picking up the pace.

"I'll just memorize the building." Walking timidly down the opposite hallway from the boys practice room.

"Good morning (Y/N)!I see you don't have any plans for this morning!" Serene, one of the makeupartists here in bighit. She welcomes me with a warm smile.

"Good morning. I'm going to map this building out so I don't have to ask for directions during my time here." Casually walking down the hallway by her side.

She was going the same way I was heading, just for my idea of knowing where I'm going.

Her arm occupied with papers and her purse. "Hmm~ That's thoughtful but it's not bad to ask."

"I get that often and ended up knowing the place better than others do." I said simply, leisurely walking side by side. Not making eye contact I scanned the places and other ends.

" Eversince hearing from other coworkers and as well, pdnim. You are a man to be unexpected." I sense her trying to make eye contact with me.

" As of being in a young age is incredible!" I felt her patting my right shoulder by the back gently. Her compliments spilling all over me.

From scanning areas and places. I look straight ahead. The hallway is to be ended into two directions.

As we reach the splitting ends I took one end. I happen to sense, Serene, not by my side.

"For one thing I do know your a prodigy. Also one that cannot take no for an answer!" She said her voice grew distant. Serene must've gone the other way.

"What are you getting at? It's fine don't worry about me, see you soon if we happen to bump to eachother again" finally looked over to where she gone to. Not as far from where I am.

The hallway split into two ways. I gone into the left and she went right. Many rooms ahead down her path as I have some offices I'll be passing soon.

" Please do ask! Everyone here is happy to help and open up! Not everyone is your enemy! Catch you later (Y/N)!" Her voice echoed from the other side.

Our conversation lasted a quick minute or two. The hallway we walked through wasn't long and was our quick talk.

Bustling footsteps was heard down the hallway. Other staff and colleagues going from one place to another.

Some have their arms filled with projects,clothes,paperwork and such. Some had to go for an errand.

Every time I pass by one of them I was greeted a warm and excited welcome.

" Good morning lad!"
" Good mornin'!"
" Fighting!"
" Good morning (Y/N)!"

After a welcome they'd go on their way.
Not many attempted a long conversation with me when I'm too focused on the buildings lay up.

A couple nodded to greet a good morning. Whenever I get the chance to look back at them I bow back or greet them.

With an unchanged expression I put. A straight face, lips stayed without being forced to frown or smile. Just stayed as it is.

My eyes remained unsatisfied. The look that got bored of something real fast.

I didn't care of my appearance or reputation. All for finishing and doing the job well.

My mind was only set for whatever I was assigned to do. Which was the boys safety.

The thought of it was so simple. It even bores me. Hoping for a little thrill.

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