Chapter 1 - The Begining

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I was born in a country in western Asia where there was war all around me. Religions and beliefs against another, I wouldn't say it was a quiet country.

I was born healthy in a hospital, I'd consider myself lucky- quite a miracle. My parents had a child before me, two years before I was born, they were happy buying all the clothes making room telling everyone about it, they didn't know what would happen next. They were on their way to the hospital the baby had been in the womb for two months. They went for a check-up on their child, as my mother wasn't having any pregnancy symptoms.

She'd lay down being asked questions aboutthr baby and her diet. The doctor soon went to check the baby's heartbeat- He gasped a bit, then he'd try again, staring at my mother who had smiling eyes. His heart broke a little as he said these words, "I'm afraid your child is a stillborn".


Ny mother stared at the doctor, her emotions mixed, you could see on the heart rate screen her heart rate started going faster, harder, -beep-, -beep-, she fainted. As soon as she did the doctors gathered around her doing a c-section because she was unconscious. The child had died of an unknown reason that broke my mother's heart.

When she finally awoken they gave her what was left of her two month stillborn child, she refused to look at it, so it was placed into my fathers hand.

His child right in front of him. He teared down, knees on the floor, sobbing like no one has seen him before, the nurses and doctors left the broken hearted couple that lost their child in the dark where they sat depressed.

I was born.

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