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Dear Diary,

The events of yesterday keep on resurfacing in my mind. I just want to forget yesterday's experience but I am unable to do so. I could not even sleep yesterday. You know diary, I have dreamt about the day when I would meet the guy who is actually meant for me a number of times. But that guy turned my dream into a nightmare.

Even my friends got to know about that guy. Apparently the saying 'Even walls have ears' isn't just an idiom. And as I feared, I became a centre of attraction today as all my friends kept on asking me about him and some even attempted to tease me, unaware of the effect that incident had on me. To them, it was something either really very cool or something really interesting but not to me, diary. I never want to see that guy again.

But there's one more thing that has keeps on hovering in my mind now.

'What is love?'

I have seen those romantic movies and have read a few romantic stories too. Even in fairytales, the princess used to meet her prince charming at the end. That surely made me think and dream about my prince charming too.

But then, as I grew up, those thoughts and dreams got locked up in some corner of my heart and instead, books, syllabus and an ambition to make my career came to the forefront. Along with that, some practicality too entered my brain and I started thinking that the concept of love and prince charming is completely over-rated. I even started laughing at my childish dreams whenever I remembered them.

But now that I think about it, I realise that I don't even know the meaning of love. Is it the same that is shown in those movies and stories? Or is it something else?

Love, it is just a small four letter word but still it remains to be a mystery.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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