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pjimin_97: i am never drinking ever again. w/ @ angeltae


junghobi: look at you two hotties ❤

shotofjin: It was hilarious, I got some very embarrassing videos of you.

pjimin_97: DELETE THEM @ shotofjin

shotofjin: Hmm, no I think I'll use them for blackmail in the future.

pjimin_97: you're evil @ shotofjin

shotofjin: Correct.

leetaeyong95: yeah jimin it was pretty funny, you tried to get into my pants like three times

pjimin_97: OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY @ leetaeyong95

leetaeyong95: hahaha it's cool, it's cool

jackiewang: lol you are honestly the funniest when you're drunk

pjimin_97: 😖 i'm so embarrassed @ jackiewang

jeonggukisagod: how the hell did I miss drunk jiminie

angeltae: because you're TOO YOUNG HAHAHA @ jeonggukisagod

minyoongi: fricken burnt @ jeonggukisagod

pjimin_97: 😂

jeonggukisagod: oi, shut up...

jackiewang, leetaeyong95 and 13 others started following you.

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