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pjimin_97: sydneeeeeyyyy I'm hoooooome!


angeltae: ugh how could you not take me with you!

markipootuan: yeah I second that 😭

pjimin_97: soz, trip with the fam @ angeltae @ markipootuan and I don't love you enough 🤷

markipootuan: rUDE

kunbhuwakul: lucky! have fun!

roseannepark: I'm in Melbourne for the holidays! I might come up for a bit so we should catch up x

pjimin_97: yeah definitely! @ roseannepark

jeonggukisagod: hang on so is sydney the capital?

pjimin_97: what? no ya dingus @ jeonggukisagod

jeonggukisagod: melbourne?

roseannepark: Nope. @ jeonggukisagod

jeonggukisagod: really? i don't know any other cities

pjimin_97: of course you don't. the capital's canberra @ jeonggukisagod

jeonggukisagod: what the hell? what's a canberra?

pjimin_97: jesus jeongguk @ jeonggukisagod

roseannepark, kunbhuwakul and 18 others started following you.

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