Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"She looked into his eyes and it was that moment that she knew that he was her mate. He was the one fate had decided was destined to be with her," Taylor read aloud with a dreamy sigh. She was laying on her back my light blue comforter which paired nicely with my purple walls holding a book up in front of her face. She glanced over at me, cocking a slim blonde eyebrow. "Why do so many of the books written by humans mention mates? Where do they come up with this kind of stuff?"

I shrugged, not really caring nor paying attention. "I think they like to romanticize the notion of werewolves. Makes us seem like we're less of a threat?" I suggested, throwing out the first thing I thought of. It wasn't as if most humans even knew werewolves actually existed.

Taylor considered my answer for a moment before slamming shut the book and dropping it onto my bed. "Reading about it does make me wish that it were true. I think it'd be awesome to have one person in the world that you were meant to be with you. But every werewolf knows there's no such thing as mates."

"Well, look at it this way. If there were such things as mates then you wouldn't have gone on so any dates in your lifetime. And we both know how much you enjoy that," I laughed.

Taylor gasped in mock hurt before nodding to agree with my statement. "Yeah I suppose. It would take the fun out of dating guys to see if you get along with them enough to build a good relationship. I would be forced to wait for the one."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah because that's what you're aiming to get out of those dates, a good relationship," I replied skeptically.

Taylor crossed her arms. "What's that supposed to mean?" I chuckled in response, taking her question to be rhetorical. My best friend, who I loved to death, was quite promiscuous. With her super skinny physique, busty chest, innocent blue eyes and blonde hair that fell in perfect ringlets she never failed to have a surplus of suitors. She hadn't changed a bit since I had last seen her a little over a year ago. "Well you know if you would just loosen up and give guys a chance then maybe you could get some too."

My silver eyes narrowed at her. "That's not my problem and you know it." Taylor just shook her head at me. I knew what she was thinking, that part of my problem was that I needed to let go and let myself have fun. It was likely true but being who I was that just wasn't an option for me. Boys tended to stay away from me, the werewolf ones at least. The humans shamelessly hit on me but I never could pay them much attention.

I felt a surge of annoyance as I scratched at my arm, at the persistent itch I currently felt throughout my entire body. For a moment I felt a presence touch my consciousness and knew it was my wolf trying to connect with me. It only lasted a few seconds but I missed it the moment it was gone. Then all I was aware of was the almost unbearable itch and the high temperature that my body was radiating.

I could have said something, let someone know about what was going on with me. I didn't exactly want to go through this alone but for now I was keeping it to myself.

I grabbed a hair-elastic and tied my dark red hair up in a messy bun. I fanned myself with the stack of papers I was trying to read. It was a report on my father's pack, the Dark Moon pack, it used to be the largest in Canada and one of the best in the North America. The key part of that statement was: used to be. It was no longer. The packs numbers had been dwindling for decades and nothing anyone did could stop it.

The pack had had more than its share of misfortune. I was the eldest child of Alpha Donovan Williams and his wife, Luna Catherine Williams. I was the child of a cancer-stricken Alpha, an Alpha who was struggling to maintain his pack with the help of his distant wife.

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