Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

My ears perked up as they heard a rustling sound. And I crouched defensively, although not sure what good it would do to attack him considering how new this form was.

Slowly a guy in his early twenties stepped out from the deeper shadows, his hands held up defensively despite the fact that I really didn't pose any threat.

His light brown short hair was styled to give it an effortlessly messy appearance. His pale pink lips pulled into a smirk. His eyes were a peculiar shade of grey; I had never seen it before. He had a chiselled jaw line, and his face was freshly shaven. From where I was I could easily smell the combined scent of aftershave and cologne.

He was dressed for the cool weather, even if his body temperature proved it unneeded. He had a black leather jacket over a tight white v-neck t-shirt and dark blue jeans. His black converse were muddy. That lead me to believe that he had walked here, not shifted, and that didn't make any sense.

His unreadable grey eyes instantly met mine and I repressed a shiver and forced myself not to look away. Finally his eyes flickered away and I felt a sense of pride. It was my Alpha genes at work again, but this time it was warranted.

I growled softly trying to get him to halt so I could try and figure out what to do.

He snorted dismissively but stopped. His smirk grew more pronounced. "What do you think you'd be able to do to defend yourself?" He crossed his arms. "If I felt so inclined you would be dead." He smiled humorlessly, showing off his bright white teeth.

I eyed the tree line, considering running away. My wolf didn't like that. We do not run from anything, much less a no good rouge.

"By the time you get used to your new form you won't get far." My head snapped back towards him and he answered my unspoken question. "And yes, I do know that you're a new shifter. Definitely no match for me," he stated arrogantly and I felt another growl build up. "Oh and if you're wondering what I saw, well, the answer is everything." He gave me a lewd wink.

I wished that I was human for I had a few choice words to say to him. But I didn't think that I knew how to shift back considering my first shift had been instinctual without any control on my part. Plus I didn't want him to see anything he shouldn't again.

Try to contact your father, you may not be able to mind-link with the pack because you haven't been inducted but family members should be different. I hadn't thought of that.

I focused on sending a thought out to my father. "I need help; I'm in the meadow near the north side. There's a rouge." For a moment I didn't know whether or not he got my message, if I did it right but then I got a reply.

I could feel his surprise and confusion mixed with worry. "Don't worry, we're coming." Now I just had to hold out until then.

The rouge's eyes narrowed. "You contacted the pack, huh?" he guessed.

If there was ever a time to make his move, this was it. I felt my muscles tense as I became ready to deal with whatever happened next. I felt my lip curl as I let out a low snarl.

"Cute," the rouge laughed before shrugging. "Let me guess, the Alpha's coming," his tone full of scorn. "I almost want him to show up. I don't think that now, with the cancer and all that he is much of a threat to me. We've been watching your pack, we know a lot. It really seems like the pack has seen better days. Maybe it needs new management?"

I growled, not liking the way he was disrespecting my family or my pack. What really annoyed me and my wolf was the fact that he was acting like I was a puppy, absolutely tame and harmless. I was a wolf, wolves were dangerous and I wished I could prove it to him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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