Alice the Angel

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Why do people find joy in making themselves seem better than everyone. Why should something I can't change make me a freak to be used and abused. Ever since birth I've been hated. I was born out of a forbidden love. My mother was the daughter of a wealthy businessman. My father a homeless man looking for work where he could find it. When everyone found out that my mother had cheated with a man who was so low they killed him. I was kicked out as soon as I could walk. On the street I'm used to being pushed, spat at, and yelled at. The words "mutt" and "scum" were second nature. I was losing hope of ever being accepted when a light shone through the dark. A circus looking for oddities. As far as I'm concerned I was odd enough.

For I was an acrobat born with a white mother and an African American father. Making me the ultimate sin.

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