The Show that Changed Everything

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A/N: The outfit at the top is Alice's and Alice is going to be an aerial artist that has a hoop, aerial silk, and an aerial sling.

I was in my tent doing my makeup when I was started by a voice outside my tent "Angel are 'e ready? We got a big show tonight." It was Joker my true savior.

When I was on the streets I was always beaten black and blue by any passerby that wanted to let out their anger. He found me one night and rather than kicking me offered me a hand. No one had shown me such kindness in years. He had asked me if I wanted to join him and his friends. I hesitated but I couldn't pass up a better chance of survival. Once I had arrived at the make shift home I kept my head down expecting to be yelled at or kicked. But what I had received was gasps of worry and multiple people try to help me as much as they could. And that's how we lived. All of us so called 'street freaks' banded together and it was beautiful. Until father came.

"Angel?" Joker snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yes!... um I mean you can come in." I awkwardly stammered. Joker merrily walked in and sat behind me. He started to lightly do my hair. Joker always did my hair so lightly as if I were a doll that would break if I was touched. I continued to focus on my makeup while Joker silently hummed. Once I finished I turned to Joker.

"You know you'd probably get more customers if you took me off the poster..." Joker looked at me as if I had slapped him.

"But you are the Angel of our show. Without you our show wouldn't be so beautiful."

"But Joker do you know what they see when they look at me? They see a mistake..... a freak that should've never been born."

Joker walked over to me and fixed my outfit sighing lightly. "If we weren't freaks what kind of circus would we be!" He looked up grinning, and as much as I wanted to argue I wanted that smile to stay there forever. "Come on the show is starting soon and we could never start without our Angel."

*Time skip to after the show*

After the show Doll and I left laughing and full of life.

"Wow Angel your act was mind blowin'! Promise that you'll teach me one day?" She said jumping up and down.

"Of course I will! Maybe if you're good enough we could do a double act!"
As we were talking and laughing I wasn't paying attention to what was in front of me and I ran into a rather tall slender man.

"I am so sorry sir I wasn't looking where I was going." I kept my head bowed as a sign of respect hoping this man wouldn't beat me to a crisp if I showed respect.

"Wait aren't you that lad that got bit by Betty?!?" Doll exclaimed next to me. I quickly looked up at her words to see the man was indeed the gent in the tail coat who Betty bit. As I stared at the man in wonder Joker ran up next to us.

"Glad I caught 'ee. I wouldn't let any one who got bit by Betty leave without makin' sure they were alright. Although I'm no doctor but we do have an amazing Doctor on sight. I could take 'ee to him if you'd like."

The man in the tailcoat looked back briefly before before smiling widely and accepting Jokers offer. As they started towards the medic tent I started to leave.

"Aren't ye comin' with Angel?" Joker asked catching my movements. I turned and smiled at Joker.

"I'll meet you there I just want to change in to something more comfortable." I started walking to my tent. I hadn't lied to Joker about changing but I hadn't told the whole truth.

During the show after Betty bit the man I was in charge of watching her. I often took care of Betty when Beast couldn't. However I'd never seen Betty so shaken. I had gone to lightly pet her to calm her down. This turned out to only stress her out more and she had bit my forearm. Luckily no one saw it and I continued my performance in deadly pain.

I slowly removed my arm tape that I always wore to see a nasty wound. I groaned silently in pain hoping not to alarm anyone. "That's a nasty gash...." I messily wrapped a make shift bandage over the wound and headed to Doctors tent. Hopefully Joker has already left with the tailcoat man. Knowing him if he saw this he wouldn't let me near Betty again. And I didn't want that. Sure she bit me but she's family. I had arrived at doctors tent lost in thought only to hear screaming and shouting. I cautiously walked in only to feel a stinging sensation in my cheek. I held my hand to my cheek and took it away only to see blood.

"Angel!" Joker shouted and I heard two pairs of feet running towards me. I looked up to see Joker and Daggers faces of worry. I simply smiled and laughed at my brother like figures.

"Nice aim Dagger" I said smiling. They both looked shocked and worried not believe what I just said. "Oh I'll be fine! It's just a nick I'm sure Doctor can patch it up in no time!" Joker and Dagger still looked unsure. I simply walked pass them to where Beast sat with Doctor. "Think you can patch this up Doc?"

"Here follow me the supplies I need are in the other room." He said as if understanding I came for more than a simple patch up. It wouldn't be the first time. I often came to Doctor when I would get beaten up by audiences. I never wanted anyone to worry so I would always say it was a mistake while I practiced. As we got to the back Doctor turned to me knowingly. "What happened today Angel?" He said worry filling his face. Doctor reminded me of an uncle always concerned for my health. I slowly unwrapped my arm to show the bite mark. Doctor gasped. " Angel.... how did this happen?"

"I'm fine Betty just had a bit of a freak out. You can patch it up right?" I said hopeful that he could help me.

"If course I can. I wish that you were more careful though." I smiled as if to say 'that won't happen'. I simply sat and let Doctor patch me up. Most people would flinch when getting patched up but I was so used to it that I barely moved. And after almost half an hour I was good as new. "You know you should tell Joker what happened."

"I should... but he's been happy for once. I can't ruin that." I thanked Doc and walked to my tent hopping to avoid Joker. I would think of a cover after I practiced tomorrow.

Once I made it to my tent I laid down and silently sang.

"Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make...."

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