Lucid Dream 4 - Filming Doctor Who.

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I was working on the episode where the master takes over the world and I was the role of the wife. We had already filmed and wrapped up but a PCYC group wanted us to show it to them so we did. As we were filming I noticed that the group lost interest others were scared so we stopped. Our director went down to talk to them and John Simm started getting upset I went over to him and asked "are you alright John?" He shook his head then hugged me I reassured him and said "It's fine John you're an AMAZING actor and teenagers will be teenagers and maybe the little kids were a bit to young but you were AWESOME!!"

The director came back and we went downstairs the PCYC leader asked one if the theatre staff "is there another screening on? Maybe something appropriate?" The staff member checked her iPad and shook her head "no sorry mam there isn't" so the leader took her kids back to the buses and left.

Then I woke up.

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