Chapter 3: Getting To Know

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Antheia's POV

My eyes fluttered open as soon as I heard noises. In front of me was an incredibly attractive guy. I gulped nervously.

His eyes were a deep brown shade of chocolate and just like chocolate, I was melting too. Those pinkish lips of his were plump, taunting me to tackle him and hungrily attack it.

Auburn hair slightly messy, but it makes him look hotter nevertheless. Jawline was sharp and refined. Body a bit buff which left me wondering if he had abs or not.

He was the definition of art, perfection, and other wonderful things out there.

"Hey baby doll, you alright?"

The gorgeous male asked with his deep husky voice. My cheeks reddened at the way he addressed me. I nodded as a response.

This is an instance where you'd normally be a bit cautious. Some hot stranger using names like 'baby doll'. Looks can be deceiving. He could be some rapist or murderer for all I knew! But his eyes...looking into them, I felt nothing but warmth. He seems like he doesn't have any...intentions.

"You sure? You seem badly hurt..."

His voice trailed off as he looked at my right shoulder curiously. I lowered my head down and fiddled with the hem of my school uniform in nervousness.

"I-I'm fine. Don't worry."

I stammered and didn't lift my head up, trying to avoid eye contact with the hot stranger as much as possible. His hands examined my wound and I flinched in his touch. I shut my eyes in pain when his fingertips grazed over it.

"How can I not worry? Bleeding never meant fine, babe."

He said and laughed lightly at his own remark. My eyelids opened when I heard his angelic laugh.

His lips curved into a small smile.

"Pretty girls like you should go home. It's dangerous out in the streets by yourself at this hour. Where do you live, baby girl?"

I didn't say anything and just bit the insides of my mouth. Memories from earlier rushed into my mind, my tears threatening to fall. He looked at me with concern.

"I don't h-have one a-anymore..My stepmom k-k-kicked me out."

At this point, I was already choking back my tears. The stranger patted my back, trying to comfort me. He mumbled a few things like 'don't cry ' and 'it's okay '.

His hands cupped my cheeks. I blushed at how close we were. After a few seconds, he started to slowly lean in. I widened my eyes in shock and my cheeks grew redder.

What the fuck is this guy doing?!

I shut my eyes tightly when I felt his lips ghosting over mine. The gap left was only an inch and my heart was beating faster.

I waited for him to kiss me but he didn't. He kissed my forehead softly instead. I opened my eyes to see him looking at me adoringly.

He then held me in the nook of his arms, and I felt a great sense of relief. His red fleece sweater was soft against my pinkish cheek, and we didn't move for a good while. My whole body felt warm. I faced into his countenance and traced my finger from his nose to his chin.

"What are you trying to do?"

He asked, trying to surpress his giggle. Omg. So cute.

"What are you trying to do?"

I threw him the same question he asked me a while ago, simply incorporating hints of seduction and at the same time derision in my voice. Hard to get, but trust me its not that complicated to do.

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