Chapter 18 ~ Diana

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Chapter 18


I wake up to the sound of soft breathing and the warmth of cosy sheets. Im barely half awake, but definitely conscious. I adjust my body a little, trying to get more comfortable than I already am. I roll over onto my stomach, pulling the duvet up high around my shoulders, embracing the sudden warmth from in front of me. I reach my arm out, and freeze when it rests on something extremely warm, and smooth. Then, I feel it move beneath my hand.

Confused, I open one eye tiredly only to see a gorgeous human body laying next to me. Laying on her back, Diana rests with the duvet only covers just past her hips, exposing her smooth, flat tan stomach and full, nicely swelled breasts, covered by a light pink cupped bra, covered in lace.

Then, theres her ever so perfect face and straight hair. Tilted slightly towards me, Diana's unconscious expression remains peaceful as she sleeps, the soft breaths coming from her cute little button of a nose. Her light brown, naturally highlighted hair fans out around her head perfectly, making her look like an angel itself.

I cant help but notice how beautiful she really is. Don't get me wrong, Ive always seen it. Just not to an extent like this. To the way her stomach and chest rise and fall with each breath, to the way that her heartbeat pounds against my hand softly. And even the way her caramely, flawlessly tanned skin somehow manages to still be creamy and smooth, creating the perfect glow around her slim yet curvy figure.

I actually start to feel something inside of me. Not anything normal, at all. Its almost like shes so beautiful, it hurts. Right in the gut. Its a foreign feeling, so much different to the normal butterflies and getting flustered. I remember clearly what happened last night, the way she undressed me before undressing herself. None of the images in my mind are blurry, like every single frame is glued into my head permanently. I may as well not have been drunk. Anyway, the point of this is I remember the way she adorable undressed herself, looking oh so awkward. Especially when she started hopping around to try get her pantyhose off, I almost laugh even at the thought of it.

But thats what I liked about her, the way she didn't have to try to be sexy, to be sexy. If that makes any sense... For example, most girls would attempt to look 'hot' and 'sexy', for guys to actually see them as that. But Diana, she doesn't even need to try. Just by standing there, she looks so attractive, without needing to smirk at you, or give you a wink. She just does it.

And the thing I like most about her? The way her personality is just as amazing and beautiful as her looks, if not better. I know I haven't known her for too long, but shes just....incredible. Even her attitude, the way shes sarcastic and funny, yet extremely nice and caring, all in one. Its almost impossible to point out a flaw in her. Obviously, no ones perfect, so I know Ill find her flaw one day, but the good most definitely outweighs the bad. Everyone has their flaws, so I accept hers with open arms.

I begin to think about her letters, emails, tweets. I read through every single one, and it was so heartbreaking, yet inspiring. She used us as a way to bring herself up, we were the one thing keeping her happy. That brings me some sort of satisfaction, that we as a band helped her through it all, but it doesn't change the fact that I wished it had never happened. Not to her. Its incredible to see how much shes changed since the first day I met her. From the shy, struggling to socialise, socially awkward girl, to a pretty much confident, happy, still awkward (in a cute way), independent woman, who has used her experiences over the past couple months to sort her life out, and I couldn't be happier that its all falling into place for her.

I sigh and shuffle myself over, before wrapping my arm fully around her waist. I pull her in close, letting her warm skin rest against mine as I rest my face beside hers, reluctantly shutting my eyes. My last thoughts before I drift off were something along the lines of how darn lucky I am to be able to be here beside this incredibly beautiful girl.

Diana ~H.S. (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now