twenty ; when you get hate

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finn ;

↳ doesn't see it for a while because he gets sO mAnY cOmMeNtS

↳ when he does,,,, boy oh boy you don't want to be near this boy

↳ actually he handles it really maturly, and indirects people on twitter like a REAL MAN

↳ probably says something like this:
"if you're one of the people bullying my friend, you're not a real "fan". i don't mean to sound rude, but cyberbullying isn't okay. also the friend i'm talking about has never done anything to any of you, so there's literally zero reason to be rude to them. thanks for being kind if u r. 💛 '

↳ but in real life, to you, he'd probably be like "you're getting what you deserve, this is why you shouldn't hack my twitter and tell everyone that i've just finished an audition for the live action lorax movie, and that i think it went well."

↳ but if you're sad he'd get all serious and be like "you do know that they're just saying this shit, because they're jealous, right ? and also, like legitimately who gives a shit ?"

↳ this boy goes OFF

jaeden ;

↳ wouldn't say anything to the penis faces and instead would simply block them and delete their comments, or if it's on your photos, he takes your phone and does the same thing

↳ also definitely would try to get you to turn comments off, or call instagram and ask if they can block everyone from commenting except for him so that he can make fun of you in a very pure way (i.e 'you kinda look like that one guy from spy kids. ya know, the thumb guys ?')

jack ;
↳ oh jeez

↳ here's the tea you guys

↳ jack will comment back to every single hate comment with 'YOUR MOM' and will go live and if someone asks about you he goes 'oh yeah, so that, my dear friends, is the name of the love of my life, and uh, yeah, hold on can we talk about something ? i need to know why people are mean to them ? like-"

↳ roll the y/n rant, i get it once a week with this boy !!

wyatt ;

↳ he posts something on his story that says like 'if you guys could stop attacking my friends, that'd be great.' and then everyone attacks him (haha remember when he accidentally liked a comment and the entire internet screamed at once and he had a mental breakdown that was fun)

↳ also

↳ ok so since wyatt is the lord of emo and edge

↳ mean person: hahah u look like my grandma's toe that i succed last night

↳ wyattoleff: oh hell yeah they do, ps tell ur grammy i'm coming over 2nite ;;;)

↳ that boy is getting a good WHIP and maybe even a nae nae who knows where this toe succin night is headed ?!

jeremy ;

↳ the jeremy ray taylor fan base is the purest fan base i LOVE THEM, but let's say some cameron dallas stan that is currently succing their earlobe comes on one of your posts and is like 'u r toad ? can nt tel plase sen andser and noods, sezy ;)'

↳ jeremy 4 realz ignores it and takes you out on an excursion without your phones, and he tells his friends in the fandom (because he actually is friends with a few fan acc's) to go off on the meanie

chosen ;

↳ you really thought someone would cross THE chosen jacobs ?! u thought wrong binch

↳ also just to mention, you better believe chosen has a fan account for you that no one knows about (including you)

↳ ok back to the PROMPT

↳ he doesn't say anything to the commenters, he just comments a bunch of hearts and a bunch of 'i love you asdfghjkl' 's

sophia ;

↳ no one sends you hate, the entire fandom absolutely stans your unannounced relationship and is HERE FOR THIS

hi so this entire thing was written by me, the other writer, i'm ginger you should check out my acc ( GingerLovegood ) i'm gonna be the only one writing this until further notice because lily has a boyfriend and is a loyal assbitch and i'm sad and lonely so here you go !
also i had to pee whilst writing this entire thing so please send me prayers

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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