chapter 7

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Fluffy clouds hanging down from the silky blue sky, that's the first scene that appeared in my sight. Sitting on my bed, gently rubbing my eyes and as soon as I noticed. I was late. Hurrying and rushing down the road, hoping to arrive school in the following second. Getting to school is seriously the only thing spinning in my mind; that really made me panic. Finally, I arrived in the school hall way rushing towards my classroom as fast as I could. Hurrying down the hall, I saw someone familiar heading out a very familiar classroom. It was Jimin. Wow! Jieun you really have some sort of luck these day! First, you got in an argument with the friend that betrayed you and now bumping your way into your ex! But to be honest, I'm already over Jimin, so his appearance didn't stop my steps. Though his appearance did make me feel a bit awkward-since he once cheated on me and now we are in the same space together. It's true my anger towards him was over, but without a proper communication or explanation, we won't even have a chance on being friends. Surprisingly, instead of blocking my way, he gave me his purest 100% Jimin smile as he rubbed the back of his head; personally, this might even be a better way than an explanation. Honestly, I'm a bit glade that we can still be friendly towards each other, instead of putting on a cold face and pretending that nothing happened between us, like complete strangers. Warmly, a smile began to form on my face as I ran passed Jimin. What a weird morning! Surprisingly, his smile still brightens my day.

Arriving in front of my class, everyone is in the room learning except one; Jungkook. Confusingly but quickly, I moved towards my seat and sat down, pretending nothing happened. While I got my supplies out, I realized this block belonged to our English teacher Miss Kim. She really likes me because of my amazing English skills-which is like Top 3 in the whole school... Giving her a wink as the edge of my lips starting to curl up. *She surly understands me* Miss Kim returned a smile and continues teaching her lesson. No one made any comment about this situation, because firstly Miss Kim is a strict teacher and if you dare to made any comments on her decisions, you are obviously gonna get in trouble. Secondly, most of the students knows that I have high scores on 90% of the subjects I take. To be honest, most of the students in my school don't have better grades than me-also not as quiet as me-so they can't say anything about my scores and the way I study-including being late I guess? Thirdly, these situations actually happened a few times before, so no one really cares about stuff like this; they don't really care about me either.

After our English lesson ended, the class starts to form into small groups, discussing different subjects and things that happens recently. Usually, I Don't care about the boring and useless topics they talk about, but without a speaking buddy, I feel board. So I rested my head against my desk and surprisingly out of all the conversations topics only one caught my attention. 'Where is Jungkook today?' said a girl with a high pitched voice. And after a bit of listening and observing, their final result came out to be 'Jungkook is sick today'.

*What? Jungkook was completely fine yesterday!* I thought to myself. Maybe I should pay him a visit and see if he is doing...... Maybe I should; besides I don't have any thing to do after there's no reason to say no. Right? After thinking for a while, I added 'visiting Jungkook after-school' into my mind, hoping that I can remember it. The bell for maths lesson ranged just on time, I'm not so keen to learn maths but I guess I have to live through it. The morning dashed though surprisingly fast, leaving me on my seat ready to enjoy lunch time. I quickly picked up my lunch box and wondered my way towards the door, thinking of which spot I should take over for this lunch-time.

As I came out from the class, I saw Jimin standing outside;who looks like he is waiting for someone. Without any hesitation and curiosity, I passed by him quickly, hoping he won't notice me;I have to admit that I am a bit afraid to speak to him. Then I heard him call:"Hey Jieun! I was looking for you, can I borrow some time from you?" I turned around with confusion hanged on my face. Turning a bit melancholy, he added:"It's fine if you don't want to, I'll just..." I slowly shacked my head and said:"Ahhhh....Sure..." when he walked towards me, a grin formed on his face, he gently pulled my wrist-forcing me to follow him.

Our destination was the rooftop-which is my second favorite space in the whole entire school-my first is obviously the mysterious music room that's sitting at the edge of the school. We sat down besides each other, our legs gently hanging down from the edge of the building. Jimin brakes the ice by saying:"Honestly, I've never thought that we could hang out with each other after those stupid things that happened between us, which was all my fault." I glanced at him and agreed;"Me too. It's hard to believe that we could actually sit here quietly, not fighting, arguing and blaming each-other. Honestly, I'm shocked too.....Like us literally having friendly conversations with each other, after what you did to me. It just feels weird!" He slowly said:" Thank you for forgiving me and the disgusting things I did in the past." I laughed and mumbled:"Come on those things happened like decades ago. Hey, why would you care about my thoughts though? even bother and ask for my forgiveness?" He looked down and said:"Because you really meant something to me."

I blushed a little, not knowing how to reply. He continued:"Since you were my first love, the love towards you might not seem very obvious to you and others, but there is just something special about you. Which make me curious about you and your personality, the more time we spend together the more I'm interested into you." Suddenly, I felt a bit furious and questioned:"I'm not trying to pick up a fight, but if you really loved me then why would you hook up with Rose?" He let out a small chuckle-which was fulled with embarrassment-and explained:"I have to admit Rose was really fun to communicate with, besides at that time you were pretty close to Jungkook, so I guess there was a bit of jealousy mixed in I guess?" "So is that the reason for your 'crime'?" I asked. He paused for a moment then add:"Perhaps." After a bit of the awkward silence, we both let out a chuckle. He whispered:"Can we still be friends? Like can we re-introduce our-selves to each other?" I smiled and answered:" Yeah...After all this drama is over......Hi stranger! I'm Jieun, what's your name?" He laughed and replied:"I'm Jimin. Really nice to meet you." After a second Jimin pretended to be a machine and blurted out:"Congratulations, Jiuen! You just got yourself a super hot friend." I gently pushed his shoulder and chirped "So full of yourself!" he smirked and asked:"What do you like to do when your board?" I felt glade after the conversation that happened between me and Jimin, to be honest we didn't spend time with each other that much; when we were in a relationship. It might be a great opportunity for me and Jimin to get to know each other once again, this might be a chance for both of us to forget what has happened before. And that's when I truly realized Jimin has a really cute and funny personality.

After the last joke he told me, he quizzed:"Jieun, have you ever had that moment that you feel in love with someone?" Grinning as I nodded, I replied:"Honestly, that's how I felt when I first met you." He glanced towards a mountain-which was very far away-and added:"Same! That's what I felt when I met you too and to be honest I really like you, even at this moment. But don't worry though, I don't expect you like me back since you and Jungkook are sort of in a relationship." I froze, not knowing what to say, because there isn't really much for me to explain- the interesting connection between me and Jungkook. "Can we still be friends?"He sounded a bit unsure. "Of course! When your awesome sports team has a competition, tell me. I'll cheer your team up!" He let out that smile and bubbled:"You will be the first one I contact as soon as I get one." The bell ranged just in time, I grabbed my lunch box and giggled:"Glade that we became friends again! See you around." He waved and agreed:"Defiantly!" We both head back to our own classes. The last block was maths again; because it's almost the end of the term and we need to have as much revision time as possible. Which isn't really a pleasant subject to me.

hehehe!!! I yam back!!!! (>~<)/ <3 After almost half a year of resting; actually dealing with my new high school, believe me it's painful. From the second I arrived at my new high school, I rarely typed and uploaded anymore new stuff and I sincerely apologize; does anyone remember me? To be honest, this chapter was created a long time ago but I was too lazy and I was also caught up in work...... But forget about my laziness, I actually re-edited this chapter and found many mistakes. I know this chapter might still contain an extremely large amount of spelling mistakes and grammar problems but I tried by best to edit this chapter and I will re-edit after finishing this story; which is probably not so soon... Anyways, if I have time I will edit the other chapters I have drafted out and that's not gonna be so soon either; maybe. Thank you so much for reading and following my updates, I sincerely hope that I can see you soon. (^A^)/

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