Chapter 4: Fresh princess

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I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes and yawning before stretching out my arms. I slowly got up out of bed after doing all of that and then made my way from my bedroom to the living room.

"Yeah, he really is sweet when you get past his flirtatious side" I heard Karen say. That's when I realized who she was talking to.

Why is he here?

"Sup, McCormick" Craig gave a small wave before returning to his and Karen's conversation.

I rolled my eyes sitting next to Karen and pulling her closer to me and more away from Craig.
He reached into his pocket pulling out a box and handing it to me "Kyle said to give this to you".

I looked at the box and opened it to find an IPhone 8. I looked a bit confused because usually if Kyle did something like this it would be for my birthday or-. Of course he did.

"thanks" I said looking at him giving a small smile. He then averted his gaze, adjusting his hat "Yeah, whatever". Karen slightly giggled before getting up and walking away.

Craig gave a small but noticeable sigh. That's when I raised a brow "Did Kyle force you to come here". He shook his head "I chose to come here, Kyle just noticed me heading here and said to give it to you. So I did". "did he say why" I asked. He shook his head giving me a small glance. I shrugged "Oh".

He looked around "Not to sound rude, but how can you live in such a place and". "And what" I asked tilting my head. He shook his head once more "nothing, forget I tried to say anything". "oh, alright" I said.

"also, Kyle suggested we hang out if we're going to start off on the right foot. So, that's also why I'm here" Craig said, slowly getting up. "Today" I asked. He nodded. "alright, just let me go get my parka" and with that I walked back to my room, grabbing the parka and walking back.

He walked out the door and so did I. We both quietly walked down the side walk and over the tracks. We passed Kyle's and Cartman's before turning the corner on that block.

After a while of walking is complete silence we stood in front of the mall. "Here we are" I said. The raven hair boy shrugged before holding the door open. "oh, you're so kind to the princess dear thief" I said jokingly before walking in and chuckling. He walked in after me mumbling a "Whatever".

We walked into the game store, looking around. He held up a game that was a Terrance and Phillip only as super hero's "Ever heard of this game". I nodded and shrugged "Kinda, Kyle and Stan talk about it a whole lot".

He looked at me for a second before speaking up "what's with those two anyways, they're like protective dads when it comes to you". I rubbed the back of my parka hood which rubbed against my hair "they've been helping me out when it comes to avoiding death. Another part of me believes they just don't want me to be hurt". He kind of mumbled a small "ah" before heading to the counter and purchasing the game.

Once the game was put into the bag we walked out of the store and continued on our walk around the mall. We had passed a store that was filled with bongs and all types of things. I nudged Craig in a joking manner "No one could ever get as high as I've been. I've been to heaven and back". He shook his head as if he was holding back at least a small smile before walking into the store and up to the counter "1 pack of cigarettes". The guy nodded before handing him a pack. "but aren't you going to id him" I said. The guy shook his head "I know the kid, he doesn't get in trouble means I don't get in trouble. Plus, he's got like one more year till he's eighteen anyways". I looked a little shocked.

Craig waved to him "Talk to you later dude". With that we walked out and I was still in question "Does that mean you could also go in there and buy a bong along with weed without you both getting caught" I asked. He nodded "yeah, but that's if I wanted to".

I nodded "oh". A pretzel stand caught my attention and I headed for it. He followed right by my side, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Oh, well howdy fellas" Butters said. "Hey, butters" I waved to him. "what can I get you" he asked. "just a large cup of the pretzel balls" I said trying to keep a straight face. "sure, butter and salt" he tilted his head as he put in the order on the register "Yep, and cheese". "your total is 7.56" he said. I handed him a crumpled up ten "Keep the change".

We waited a couple of minutes for it all to be ready before Butter's called my name "Ken, here you go". I took the bag he put it all in and smiled "thanks, Butters". "anytime, enjoy" he replied before taking the next order.

Craig and I both made our way for the door "Are those even worth the money" he asked. "They are" I said holding one out to him as he averted his gaze, taking it. "cheese?" I asked. He shook his head in response "Thanks though".

We stood out in the front of the mall, leaning against the wall. I glanced at Craig taking a couple of drags from his cigarette before exhaling the smoke. "What" he said looking at me, his left brow raised in question. "I'm so happy" I said mocking him. He rolled his eyes punching me in the shoulder, but not enough to actually make it hurt "whatever, Kenneth".

I suddenly stopped leaning on the wall and looked at him dead on "Did you actually just call me Kenneth". "was I not supposed to" he asked with a very faint hint of guilt as if he wasn't supposed to say it. "no, I'm just surprised you used my entire first name" I said pushing down my hood from my dirty blonde hair. "tch, don't get used to it" he replied. I chuckled, leaning back up against the wall.

Craig stamped out the cigarette against the wall before tossing it. "You should try to cut back on that, y'know" I stated. "Didn't you try to smoke the one I offered the other day though" he asked. "it's an occasional thing for me" I said. "Tch" he pushed himself off the wall, starting to walk away. I did the same, following right beside him.

I'm just looking out for you is all Tucker. I really hope you can see that instead of me being annoying. I'm not asking you to do the same.

I walked beside Craig our entire trip of walking around the small mountain town. We ended up going to Stark's pond and sitting on the bench.

He rested both of his arm across the back of it while crossing his legs. Meanwhile I crossed my arms, slouching and crossing my legs.

We sat there sitting quietly, staring at the pond. Ducks flew over, some Even gliding across the water once landing.

The sun was slowly setting and reflecting on the pond. Giving off an orange glow as if fire was sitting on water. It was breath taking in all honesty.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around "yes- Stan why are you here". "Dude, it's Karen. She was playing with a couple of kids and broke her leg" he said. When he said it's Karen I'm sure my heart stopped. I'm not saying it's a good thing she broke her leg but I thought it was worse.

Craig spoke up while I was deep in thought "Let's go then". Stan raised a brow looking a bit shocked before responding "Yeah". With that we all ran to the hospital to see Karen.

{Sorry it's late and the end was rushed because I have work in a couple of minutes but enjoy}

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