Chapter 8: The one

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I woke up to soft breathing. Slowly opening my eyes, I looked over to see Kenny. I softly smiled wanting to run my fingers through his messy hair, but noticed it looked like he was getting genuine sleep. So I left him alone.

Quietly moving my legs to the edge of the bed and slowly sitting up, I stretched. This kid really thinks he can try to fix a habit. Yeah, okay. If no one else could do it, what makes him any different?

I turned to sudden shifting coming from the blonde. "Good morning." there was a small pause "why am I in your bed? We didn't fuck or anything did we?" he looked confused and tired, yet he still had a small smirk playing on his lips. "That's surprising, you're the one who's worried we fucked" I teased. "listen, just because I've slept with very few people doesn't mean anything. They all broke my heart anyways or vice versa" he sat up now, rubbing one of his eyes, before looking at me. "sorry, sorry. It's too early for me to have said that" I said, feeling bad for my previous comment.
"it's fine, sorry I let that out" he softly smiled at me, before moving his legs off of the opposite side of the bed.

He then got out of bed, running his hand through his hair to fix it. Only for him to get up and go to the bathroom to clean himself up. I moved to get up and went downstairs to go check on the girls who were eating. Karen was laughing at the occasional jokes Tricia made. These two are best friends and I don't think anyone can change that. Kenny only came over to drop Karen off due to their parents. He'd go elsewhere with his friends to keep his mind off of it all. It's new that he's actually here with her, but that's only because of the current events.

I sat down to listen to their conversation, before noticing Kenny from the corner of my eyes "wow, you clean up nice". "shut up, your gay is showing" he said, leaning against the wall while the rest of us laughed.

All morning we hung around
And watched movies or played board games. That was until the rest of Kenny's group knocked on the door.

I walked to the door, opening it and leaning up against it, "What's up?". Kyle gave a soft smile before speaking "We were going to ask Kenny if he wanted to go with us to a hang out place we have, you could go if you'd like". I peered over my shoulder to look at Kenny laughing at how competitive the two girls were with the board game they were playing. "Sure, why not. Hey Ken, your friends want to go to a hang out spot and wondered if you want to go". Kenny looked up with a smile, nodding while standing up "Yeah, let's go".
I turned to Tricia "Mom and Dad are here so don't think you can do what you like. Take care of Karen"
She rolled her eyes while grinning "shut up and go on your stupid date". I huffed in response while Kenny walked out with me following close behind.

I had no clue where we were going and I really hoped I didn't get caught up in one of their accidental adventures like that one time with Peru.

I hummed while we all walked down a small and narrow dirt path. Kenny was in front of me, occasionally commenting on the chatter ahead of him with the rest of the group. They're not so bad after getting to somewhat know them.

"how about you, Craig?" Kenny glanced back at me with curiosity in his eyes.
"What about me?" I responded being confused as to what the previous question was before that.
"Do you have any hang out places for you and your group?" Kenny repeated himself while one of his brows quirked.
I shrugged in response "I mean Denny's is really the only place I can think of. All we do there is judge everyone's life choices instead of ours while enjoying our meals."
Kenny softly laughed "Sounds awesome."
I nodded as a small smile made its way to my lips "so this hang out place, what is it"
Kenny suddenly grinned at my question "it's magical that's all I'm allowed to say."

I rolled my eyes a little bit, looking around and scanning the scenery around me. The sun beamed through the tree branches that once contained leaves while snow dusted the ground and some of the dirt path.

Suddenly the sound of water could be heard and I looked around turning my attention from the scenery to the noise. There was a hot spring lying ahead with huge rocks here and there covering a few spots.

Kyle, Stan, Butters and Cartman all hopped in, immediately kicking back and relaxing. Kenny look conflicted as to if he should ruin his clean self or jump in. I walked up next to him, looking at the hot spring. He jumped in once I came to a stop, before resurfacing and slicking his hair back.

I raised a brow "So, you guys didn't bring towels or anything."
"It's not like this is far from home, we won't freeze our asses off" Eric replied.
"Speak for yourself, Fatass" Kyle said, rolling his eyes at the brunettes comment.
We all laughed at the comment while Eric rolled his eyes and flipped us off.

I removed my shoes and socks, before rolling up my pants and sitting down to stick my legs in the water.

"What should we all do after we go home and change" Stan questioned.
"We should have our groups get together and go roller skating or something" Kenny replied.
They all turned to me and I slowly nodded "Sounds fine by me".

A couple hours passed by and they all got out while I pulled my feet out, wiping them off and putting my socks and shoes back on. After that, we all started heading back the way we came,  hearing occasional curses. Once exiting the forest, we all split up to go home and change. 


I had Kenny toss his things in the washer and dryer while I gave him a towel to use for the time being. Once they were done he got back in them and fixed himself up once more.

Tonight would be the night.

A/n: I'm stopping this here and I apologize for the long ass update. I just haven't had inspiration to write this but I don't want to give up on this just yet. I'm also changing the style to like third person instead of first because it helps a whole lot. I'd love for you guys to drop ideas for me to write into other chapters. That'd also help so this can continue to live on. It's short but enjoy.

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