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In the dead of night nothing can be seen. The cold winter wind has made each sound fall silent against it not a single person can hear the blood splatter against the cold hard glass not one soul could even imagine the sight to behold tomorrow as the sun rises on my latest prey. I grow tired of all these unsatisfying masters my revenge is no where near complete everyone I need is so far away and yet they all say the same line “I will help you take your revenge in return I need your services “  being a neko is hard enough but being an omega neko is worse though I haven’t had my heat yet I’m still wary of all these alpha inus and nekos though being an assassin helps with the being careful.
I’m on my way to my latest master a Mister Reiner Braun who is using my services to avenge his beloved Bec or was it Betoldt not that it matters to me just needed to kill this women Maria paid to cause grief to the chicken nugget master of mine. I slipped through the open door careful not to touch anything my heels quietly tapping the floor as I make my way to the freezing air outside and into my car, my turquoise little car a 2012 ford dart It’s the cutest smoothest ride I own aside from my Ford Mustang. I adjusted my coat before leaving the white blanket of snow covering the sidewalks the Christmas lights surrounding the buildings reminding me of happier days. Mom and dad still alive all of us sitting in the dining room around the table eating freshly made Christmas ham with warm cocoa. How pitiful of me my feelings near getting the best of me.
“Ah… Eren my dear neko you came back~” my idiot of a master called trying, and failing mind you, to be seductive. My one rule is to never be involved with the master because that will always be bad for business and feeling always get in the way ALWAYS.
“Yes master, it’s done your beloved has been avenged” he nodded and moves closer taking steps forward to me wearing only a sweatpants and a towel around his neck his blonde hair still wet from what I assume was the shower hopefully. I’m going to admit he is not bad looking very handsome his body is quite sculpted a nice 6 pack smooth skin not hairy either….. but his scent is not one I like it smells hostile I don’t like it. He’s trying to seduce me I can smell his hormones, humans and their tendencies it almost makes me laugh.
“come Eren let me reward you~” master purrs I nod and follow
“so master where is the information that is the only reward I want master” my tail flicks back and forth waiting for me to pounce on my prey. He leads me to his bedroom. He eyes me up, sadly tonight I decided to wear my black skintight jumpsuit or is it called catsuit I can’t recall though if it is a cat suit how ironic is it not? My black thigh high heeled boots  my black fingerless gloves it really pulls the outfit together.
“come on, Eren, am I not your master ~?” He asks idiotically “ yes your are master but you must've  forgotten a simple rule you are about to break” I state “ forget rules” he leans closer to me, "they're meant to be broken" he breaths out, I stay still his eyes start to close he grabs my hips gently pulling my thin body towards his his left hand goes to my neck and tries pulling me towards his face, but before he kissed me I put a knife between us so he kissed my knife instead. He opens his eyes immediate anger prominent in his eyes. I smirk.

“AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU, YOU FUCKING CAT!?” at the name cat my eyes narrow my pupils constrict, I slightly bare my fangs. “ I’m a neko Master I suggest you choose your next words carefully unless you’ve forgotten who your dealing with” he laughs at my words “ yes I know exactly who I’m talking to, a neko who is going to comply with his master or I will send you to the pound you shit eating bitch" I smirk he raises a brow “ what? Ready to submit kitten?” I hiss at the nickname.
I move closer to him practicing my art of seduction not that I need practice because he buys each and every move I make my tail lightly wrapping around his knife in his pocket that so foolishly was left sticking out I slide it out carefully, my nails lightly trace his abs as soon as my tail trails over his lower body to make sure no other weapons are hidden I take my two hidden knives and stab his pecs, just enough as  to miss his heart and important arteries. “ AAAAAH YOU SICK FUCK WHAT ARE YOU DOING “ He screams unfortunately for him he decided to sound proof his room so no one hears the screams.
“Master~ do you take me for a fool? I know your plan to forcefully take me~ but master today you showed how useless that promise you made all those months ago really is so go join your beloved in hell” with those last words I looked into his widened fear stricken and pleading eyes....ah the sweet smell of fear how I love it so….
“please Eren don’t kill me I have all the information you need” he begged
“ where?” I question I tilted my head playfully as if I believed him. So again I let him walk he smirked and pulled a gun to my head to which I laughed and smacked it away and slit his throat  I slipped out of the building  and found myself once again heading to my cozy little home a simple 2 story home.
Well time to find another “ Master ”
I get my bath water ready and dial a very familiar number
Riing riing
“ hello~?” armin answers in a singsong voice
“Hey coconutty….”
“aww kitten lost his master huh?” you could hear the disappointment in his voice
“Yea, same old kinda masters how about we try a new approach?” by this point I’m putting the hot water in the tub it feels alright “well my master…” “ you mean your hubby captain eyebrows?”
“Yes has a friend who is not so easily swayed in any way. His name is the raven or to close friends Levi Ackerman very serious man wouldn’t even look at me unless I spoke so I think he could work. Also your birthday is coming up be careful with your heat you’re a purebred” armin warned me my first heat would be very intense at the age of 15 we omegas get our heat and that is when we mature my pheromones however will be stronger since I am a purebred.
“thanks coconutty send me his number or something..” I heard him giggle.
“Ok he will call you in about 20 minutes we are at meeting with him stay put hun" and with that he hung up.
20 min to myself how fun.
I decided to clean up a bit and make some food. Ill eat some ice cream as well.

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