settle in

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This room is amazing...... but the way he smelt it's as if he was familiar a soothing scent it's weird. Well I'll go exploring this mansion. I walked out no one was out. I pranced around in my pajamas which consisted of a very small shorts and a tank top and knee high socks along with my kitty slippers went down stairs. I saw a strawberry blonde girl a guy with a resting bitch face in the kitchen bickering. I walk towards them the girl notices me first.

" hello ms. Neko are you lost this isn't your home" she says as if I was a baby
"hun I can kill you with a cupcake dont tempt me I'm an assassin .... Levi hired me" she looked shocked I smirked

" oh you must be eren then and you're a man? Why women's clothing?" "so I can kill you looking like a queen step off! So I'm gay? What's the problem?" she shook her head nervously.... Hehe she looks terrified.

" what's with all the noise? Can't you brats shut u-" he stopped and looked at me for a second I thought I smelt an alpha.

"sorry Master I got carried away.... Is someone with y-you?" I asked curiously I feel warm. "no just me" he shook his head I narrowed my eyes and stared at his he gives nothing away and I cant read his stupid body language. I was about to step closer when the bitch in the kitchen dropped the fork on the ground and jelly spread was all on the ground I twitched in anger....... stains.......I hate messes.

"seriously, can't anyone in this god forsaken world not make a mess" I said walking over and cleaning the mess with a rag.

I felt like I was being watched, I turned to see everyone eyeing me up. "what?" I questioned " uh the only one who cares that much about messes is Levi."
"Petra I swear to whatever God you believe in I will smack you" she just laughed at Levi. I could see she was checking him out and I felt oddly territorial.

After cleaning I walked away I walked past Levi but before I could I swear I could smell the scent of an alpha on him and it was strong.

I turned to him I could see him side eyeing me I think I saw worry in his eyes. I shrugged and walked to my room.

Times skip~~~

"kitten I have your first job take this man down" Levi finally got me to work 2 days after I had arrived. He placed a picture down.
" his name is Pixis CEO of the company that owes me money I want him dead" I nodded and took the picture along with the file.
" yes Master~" I purred.

He waved me off. "oh before you leave kitten I have some info not everything but some would you like it now or will you wait?" I turned my tail frozen mid sway my eyes narrowed no way he actually kept his promise? This is the first master to keep the promise.....I felt a warm drop on my face I touched it to confirm.. yes I was crying shit..... the memories flooded my mind all over again

"MOOOM....NO PLEASE stop" BANG her lifeless body on the filthy ground "DAD? MIKASA HEEEELP" dad's body next to the bathroom blood coming from his throat and there.....
I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized I wasn't alone I saw Masters face turn into what I think it was concern I felt calm almost instantly the smell of lavender filling the air a hint of black tea was present as well. This smell is so familiar. He was about to talk but I spoke first.

" save it for later Master I'll be back" I turned away this Pixis guy, my next prey I went into my room and called Jean and the boys.
" yo what's up kitty cat" Jean joked.
" new person Pixis CEO of the Garrison company all the info and his current location"
" yes ma'am" Jean hung up I got my equipment ready to go and eliminate this man as I finished packing the last knife a knock on my door interrupted me I went to answer.
" uhh.. sorry about earlier" it was Petra. I nodded

" but I just wanted to say stay clear of Levi he doesn't do romance, I've tried" she sighed I nodded as I rolled my eyes. I was about to close the door she stopped it " I mean it fag don't try" I laughed "ok little girl I'll be careful" I smiled and walked away. I could still hear her say a few words but i ignored it. I grabbed my bag and bid everyone a farewell, giving Levi a big hug I looked directly at Petra and smirked she tried giving me a glare but it didn't work I pinched her cheeks " aww are you mad?" I spoke as if I was speaking to a child and turned away. I rushed out where Jean was waiting with......Marco? Ugh they better have not messed my house up I sniffed the air ugh they mated.... Shit. This horse-face is going to be very annoying even more so then before.

I ignored everything the smells and the stupid flirting between the two idiots in front, I concentrated on the task at hand, apparently this man Pixis will tell me where Masters uncle is and I am to find him and bring his head how cliché hahaha.

good kitty Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora