Introduction to our characters

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As we all know, there are 12 zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. I know, I know, there are Celtic zodiacs and Chinese zodiacs and Hindu and yadha yadda YAAAAAA. Why else are they in the School of Constellation and Astrology? We're just focusing specifically on our favorite wittle buds! So let's get started!

Aries: probably the most hot headed of the group. He is also the most adventurous and probably somewhat the most loyal friend ever. If he has a crush on someone, he won't give a care and will try to jump straight into a relationship. Probably the reason why he's been rejected around at least 20 times, the poor fella. His friends are Leo, Pisces, and (somehow) Gemini. He's somewhat fine with Cancer and Libra, but CAN'T STAND Capricorn. 

Gemini: she might be a bit bipolar at times (there are times where she's fun and other times where she's dead serious), and random at times, but she got yo' back. She's a hopeless romantic, and she has probably at least 5 crushes going on. She's BFFs with Leo, Aries (she sees him as more than a friend tho, hehe) and Libra. She has a smooth friendship with Capricorn and Pisces,  but can't stand being near Virgo, but at the same time she kinda likes her? 

Taurus: he's the patient friend in the group, however he can be rather stubborn. He's probably the hippie of the group, mainly because he likes gardening, cooking, and listening to music. He takes gardening and culinary classes, and will cook for his friends. The one bad thing is... his cooking is mediocre (don't tell him I said that though). His best friendships are with Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces (everyone gets along with Pisces, gosh darnit). He wouldn't say he hates Leo or Aquarius, he just doesn't like them. 

Cancer: the most sensitive boy of the group, he will admit to times that he's w̶a̶y̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶  a bit emotional.  He's got a passion for art and swimming. He also takes art classes along with Scorpio and Pisces. He's friends with Taurus, Virgo, and he somewhat found a way to socialize with Scorpio. He won't admit that he likes/loves Pisces, but he has a not so great relationship with Aries and Libra.

Leo: he has WAY TOO MUCH pride in himself. Otherwise, he handy dandy fine with his friends, and he has an awesome sense of humor, along with other good friendship traits. His love of theater, expensive things, and warm colors has gotten him a good place of being a great drama king. And he- no joke- takes drama/acting. Despite this, he's also lazy and generous. His friends are Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius. His ENEMIES are Taurus (he just hates how hippie he is) and ESPECIALLY Scorpio, since they both have a passion for some of the same people. 

Virgo: she's the main nerd of the group, and sometimes she can be analytical. A bit TOO analytical. She's a worker, and she studies so much, that she doesn't have much time for any clubs other than Veterinary Club, Book Club, Nature Club, Science Club, Math Club, and Garden Club. The thing is, with all that, and keeping up with being an all A's person, she's an all work and no play person. She has a smooth friendship with Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. She has a strong burning feeling for Cancer. But Gemini and Sagittarius are just not her cup o' tea.  

Libra: fair-minded and full of justice, Libra is the peaceful one of the group. He might be a peaceful one, but peeve him or his friends, and he won't step back from holding a grudge. He avoids fights and if he sees one, he'll most likely call the cops. He's a social butterfly, and a bit flirty if anything. He's great friends with Gemini, Leo, and Aquarius. He can't stand Cancer and Capricorn. With Sagittarius, he's tried giving her all the clues that they should date, but she's so oblivious, dang it.

Scorpio: she may be reeeaaallyy emo, and has a bad sailor mouth, but she's a true friend even after the end. She's violent, yes, and a really jealous, distrusting, and secretive person, but she will stand up for her friends. She is really bad at flirting, yet she doesn't give a gosh dang care. The reason why people really fear her is probably because she's so flipping bossy, and will argue/physically fight with someone whose lying to her until she gets the truth out of 'em. Despite this, she still has friends: Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus. She has a bit of a thing for Pisces and Cancer, therefore causing a rivalry between her and Leo. She's sorta fine with Aquarius. 

Sagittarius: the most talkative in the group, and probably the most curious in the group, too. She has way too much energy for anyone's liking, it's really not surprising she gets BARELY any sleep. She likes travel, freedom, the outdoors, and her BFFs. Her greatest friends are Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius. She has a massive crush on both Gemini and Aries. She doesn't get along with Virgo, and she's an annoyance to Pisces.

Capricorn: she's the most responsible one of the group, however she's a really snobby know it all. She's also the most negative in the group, since she hates most things, and expects the worst in all situations. Piss her off, and prepare for the most unforgiving person in the galaxy. Despite this, she can manage good self control. She's got on-off relationships with Cancer, Virgo, and Pisces. She's deeply in love with Taurus, but she deeply hates Aries and Libra.

Aquarius: he will fight for any cause, even if he's deeply shy. He could be shy, but he also has energy, and he will stay with his friends. However, even if he's kind, he won't care if you disagree with him, even kindly, he will FREAK OUT on you. He can't stand other's opinions disagreeing with his. His besties are Gemini, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. He doesn't understand Scorpio or Taurus. 

Pisces: the really artistic but sensitive one in the group. She's a humble one, but way too overly trusting. It's really easy to manipulate her, really. At least she's lucky that her buddies are sweet. The thing is, she knows that Scorpio likes her, and she respects that, but she doesn't really share the same for her (please don't let anyone else know :C). Her buddies are Taurus, Scorpio, and Capricorn. She thinks Cancer as more than a friend but less than a crush. If anything, she likes Leo (PLEEEEASE DON'T TELL HIM EITHER). She's sorta fine with Gemini, but can't stand Sagittarius.

So whatcha guys think? Wanna see this turn into an actual series on my Wattpad? If so, comment what you think, and, one more thing, vote please for what you want to happen first in the first chapter. Do you want:

* Leo and Scorpio fighting over whoever they like that day.

* PE chaos.

* Invitation to Gemini's Random Food party.

* Food Fight.


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