Gemini's Food Party!

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Gemini woke up, probably around 9 AM. She only woke up because her phone kept buzzing. Yawning, she grabbed that phone. The bright screen hit her eyes and she blinked quickly. She read over the messages, the earliest being at 1:00 am. It was from Sagittarius. "ANYONE UP!?" The next message came from Scorpio. To say she was annoyed is... an understatement. 

To cut to the point, she had just remembered... SHE HAD A RANDOM FOOD PARTY. TODAY. She ran to get her prepared food and to get disco balls. There was a LOT of food in that small fridge... shish kebabs, steak, potatoes, parfaits, biscuits, salads, macaroons, mochi, curry (Gemini only made it because, hey who knows who likes it?), sushi, cake, cupcakes, gelato, you name it, she made it.

Next, she got dressed. Being very indecisive, she decided on a black shirt and a pink skirt. Very unmatching. Very much like her! She tied her blonde hair into a ponytail, the bleached strands then falling out of her hands onto her back. She looked in the mirror and grinned. "I'm ready!" she headed downstairs. Within the next hour, she texted her friends, and they all started coming. 

The first one to come was Capricorn. Gemini yelled "CAPRICORN!" and hugged her. Capricorn froze in place, and smiled nervously. After the hug, Capricorn ran to the couch and grabbed a blanket. That was concerning, way too concerning to Gemini. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked, sitting next to her. Capricorn shrugged. "Well... you won't be mad at me, right?" she said, her blue eyes looking kinda angered. "Of course I won't!" Gemini squeaked. Capricorn proceeded to tell her that Aries was being really rude to her and Taurus while they were sitting in the library. Gemini stayed silent- she really really REALLY liked Aries, he wouldn't do this, surely! "Well, thanks for letting me vent. NOW EXCUSE ME, I SEE THAT TEA AND MOCHI!" Capricorn ran to the table and sat down to eat.

Everyone else started coming- Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius came as a group. Libra and Taurus came (Capricorn, everyone notices you're staring at Taurus, stop being a creep), and Taurus walked to the table. He didn't even notice Capricorn saying hi, instead walking towards the steak. Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces came 5 minutes afterwards. Pisces had googly eyes at Leo and Scorpio looked rather jealous. Poor Scorpio, trying her best to win over Pisces and instead Pisces is staring at Leo. Aquarius came alone and grabbed a cupcake, shoving it into his face. Then, Aries walked in. Capricorn and Taurus stared at shock as Gemini ran towards him and hugged him. "EVERYONE IS HERE!". Aries stared at her, as she beamed at him.

Everyone was eating at that point. Leo and Scorpio were arguing, Pisces trying to break them up. Libra and Sagittarius were flirting with each other- if Sagittarius noticed she was flirting, she wasn't showing it. Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn were having a discussion about the books they were reading. Aquarius, Aries, Gemini and Cancer were talking about... well, they were just talking. Jokes were cracked, stories were told, rumors were gossiped. At the table, everyone was just chilling when-

"SHUT UP LEO! YOU CARE ABOUT NO ONE BUT YOURSELF." Scorpio yelled. Everyone grew quiet. Taurus just stared, having dropped his 4th plate of salad. Virgo turned her head away from her book. Her glasses were falling down the bridge of her nose, and her brown eyes gazed curiously. Gemini gulped- she didn't want a fight at her party, no one would- but before she could stop anyone, Leo stood up.

"What are you talking about?" Leo crossed his arms. Scorpio's jaw twitched. "YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! DON'T LIE!" she screamed. Cancer started crying, and Pisces stared at both of them. Her blue eyes grew big with concern. "Hey, hey, calm down, please!" her soft voice was aimed at both of them. If they listened, they didn't show it. "Give me one piece of proof that I'm selfish. Then, then I'll understand." Libra stood up. "Calm down, both of you! Let's both just sit down, and enjoy this very yum-" "NO ONE GIVES TWO FLYING CRAPS, LIBRA." He flinched. "I..I'm just trying to help!" he shakily commented. Capricorn sighed and stood up. "Move." Rather easily, she pushed Libra aside and walked over to Scorpio and Leo. "Look, Gemini made this party so we can have fun. So shut the hell up, and we can enjoy this, kay?" Gemini was on the verge of tears. 

And it seemed like Pisces was, too. Uh oh. We can't let her cry! It upsets everyone!  "Guys, stop! Don't ruin the party!" Gemini demanded. She glared at Scorpio and Leo. "Well then tell this Snowflake to shut up and I-" "EXCUSE ME!?" Scorpio stood up and jumped at Leo, pushing him down to the ground. Strangely enough, everyone started chanting "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Except for Gemini, Cancer, and Pisces. But Pisces looked like she had enough. Her face was red, her mouth was halfway open, and her eyes were wide in shock. Gemini knew this face well. 

"Guys, sto-" But before then, Pisces screamed. "STOP IT! WHY DO YOU GUYS ALWAYS FIGHT!?" everyone stopped- even Scorpio and Leo!- at the sound of Pisces screaming. Gemini just thought to herself "Crap. It's too late." "WHY CAN'T YOU GUYS JUST LOVE EACH OTHER FOR WHO YOU ARE!? BOTH OF YOU ARE SELFISH!! LIBRA TRIED TO STOP YOU GUYS FROM FIGHTING, BUT NOOO! YOU TWO JUST WANTED TO FIGHT! YOU RUINED GEMINI'S PARTY! I MEAN LOOK AT HER! YOU'VE BOTH MADE HER UPSET!!!" she stopped to breathe. Gemini couldn't help but to look in her phone mirror. She was crying. "UNTIL YOU GUYS STOP FIGHTING AND FIND A WAY TO BE HAPPY WITH EACH OTHERS PRESENCE, I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU! YOUR NEGATIVE ENERGIES ARE WAY TOO NEGATIVE!" Pisces'whole face was red and dripping with tears. Scorpio got up.

"Pisces, I'm sorry." she apologized, her voice quieter and guilty sounding. Scorpio tried to touch Pisces' shoulder, but Pisces slapped it away. "No you're not. You're just saying that to make us forget about the fight." she growled, before running upstairs to Gemini's room.

Not gonna lie, Pisces is scary when she's mad.


SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG!  I've been really busy! So tell me guys, what did you think of the story? Any suggestions or thoughts? 

While at it, what would you like to see next?

~ Gemini goes upstairs to comfort Pisces?

~ The story from Taurus' point of view where he tries to calm down the fight?

~ Capricorn where she tries to make Leo and Scorpio feel bad?

~ Or Aries as he tries to defend Leo, causing everyone to almost choose sides?

You guys decide!

BYE!!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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