Act 1: Dark Scouts?!

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Sailor Moon: Oh, I hope this battle will be easy!

Sailor Mars: Don't be such a whiner!

(Sailor Moon groans)

Sailor Venus: Hey, scouts? Any idea who that is up there?

(She points to a figure on a ledge separating the Ichi-no-Hashi Park and the freeway)

Sailor Jupiter: Huh. Never seen her before. Wait a sec! She has buns like Usagi!

Sailor Pluto: Hmm, you're right! I wonder who this new enemy is going to be.

Sailor Chibi Moon: Let's all hop over the fence, okay! And Sailor Moon? Mama, be careful!

(All scouts hop over the fence to the park, and see the enemy!!)

Sailor Venus: Hey you! You're destroying public property! This is the place where everyone gathers to have fun! Who do you think you are?!

(The enemy smirks and comes into the light of a streetlight.)

All: Oh my gosh!!!!

(The enemy looks exactly like Eternal Sailor Moon, but with dark colors, black spiky wings, and a black crescent mark on her gray tiara!)

Sailor Moon: Who are you? Are you trying to impersonate me, because it's not working!

Enemy: Why hello, Sailor Moon and Friends! I am Dark Sailor Moon! I am here to tell all that the Legendary Silver Crystal is to bring calamity to this world, and that my Dark Moon Crystal is so much stronger and good!

Sailor Jupiter: You're wrong about the Silver Crystal!! You're just a stupid fraud!

Dark Sailor Moon: Oh, dear! How rude! Is she always like this, Sailor Moon?

(Dark Sailor Moon sends a shock of dark red spikes to Sailor Jupiter, and she falls to the grass wounded)

Sailor Venus: How dare you hurt Jupiter! I'll make you pay! Rolling Heart Vibration!!

(Dark Sailor Moon flicks her thumb, and the attack comes back at Venus!)

Sailor Venus: EYYYAAAAHHHHH!!!!

Dark Sailor Moon: Oh ho ho ho ho!! She's weak! How do you manage her as a scout? I think she's not worthy!

(Dark Sailor Moon sends a red ball to Venus, and she transforms back into Minako Aino, unable to be a soldier any longer!

Sailor Uranus: Argh! Space Sword Blaster!!

Dark Sailor moon rejects the attack, and sends it flying back-to Neptune!

Sailor Neptune: Noooo!! Arrgghhh!!

Sailor Uranus: NEPTUNE!! NOOOOO!!

Sailor Moon: Let's do this, Chibi Moon!

Sailor Chibi moon: Mm-hmm!!

(They pull out their kaleidoscopes)

Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon: Moon Gorgeous Meditation!!

(A shower of pink sparks rain down on Dark Sailor Moon!)

Dark Sailor Moon: Ugh! Now you made me angry! GIRLS!!

(She snaps her fingers, and ten girls emerge from behind her-the other Dark Sailor Scouts!!)

Dark Sailor Moon: Finish them off, girls!!

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