Act 2: First Battle, Realization

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Sailor Mars: SHOOT!!
Sailor Jupiter: Urrn......
Sailor Moon: I'll help you out, Jupiter!! Moon Healing Escalation!
Sailor Jupiter: Hey, thanks!
Dark Sailor Moon: Pfft. I SAID, GET THEM, GIRLS!!!!!!!
(All Dark Scouts charge at them)
Sailor Mercury: Oh shoot, noAAAHHHHHH!!
(Gets tackled by Dark Sailor Pluto)
Dark Sailor Pluto: Dark Dead Scream!!!!
Sailor Mercury: KYAAAAAAAAAA!!
Sailor Mars: Mars Flame Sniper!
(Shoots bow)
Dark Sailor Saturn: You're good! But not as good as me! Silence Death Surprise!!
Sailor Mars: ARRGHH!!
Sailor Mercury: I'll help you out, Rei! Mercury Aqua Mirage!
Dark Sailor Mercury: Oh, stop it! Dark Aqua Tornado!!
Sailors Mercury and Mars: NOOO! Kyaaaa!
Sailor Moon: Hey Chibi Moon! They're strong! Come on!!
Sailor Chibi Moon and Sailor Moon: Crisis Make Up!!
Dark Sailor Neptune: Misstress, quickly!
Dark Sailor Moon: Dark Moon Mega Make Up!!
Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon: Oh, no!!
Dark Sailor Moon: I am Dark Super Sailor Moon! If you want to defeat me you can't run away!
(A rose is on the ground)
All except Super Sailor Moon: Tuxedo Mask!!
Super Sailor Moon: Endymion!!
(They rush up to each other)
Super Sailor Moon: Please help us, Endymion! It's Dark Sailor Moon, from the Dark Moon! And she brought her other Dark Scouts!
Tuxedo Mask: Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber!!
Super Sailor Chibi Moon: Oh, no! Even Mamo-chan's attack didn't work? That's just wrong!!
Dark Sailor Moon: Girls! They are tired of us. I will find another way. Let us go!!
Dark Sailor Scouts: AWW!! We WERE HAVING SO MUCH FUN!!
(Dark Sailor Moon Snaps her fingers, and they all disappear, and suddenly, the scouts are back at their homes!!)

 Let us go!!Dark Sailor Scouts: AWW!! We WERE HAVING SO MUCH FUN!!(Dark Sailor Moon Snaps her fingers, and they all disappear, and suddenly, the scouts are back at their homes!!)

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This is Dark Sailor Moon ⬆️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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