New video

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Tw: panic attack

Virgil's Pov

It was just a normal day. I was in my room playing my favourite band (In this story his favourite  band is Set It Off) When I got summoned for a video.

We were talking about valentines day (if you count yelling and screaming as talking) when all of a sudden Thomas curled up into a ball and was sobbing. Since I was his Anxiety I felt what he felt and immediately followed in his footsteps.

"Virge how could you do this to him in a video?" I hear Roman say as he passes by me. Everyone is going to help Thomas as everything goes blurry for me while I sob and shake.

"Should we help him?" I hear Patton say "I think he will be just fine left alone." This time I can't make out which one of them said that. 

I start getting back into control and I sink into my room feeling the eyes of everyone on me, as well as their disappointment. I can still feel the tears and the feeling of disappointment and it becomes so unbareable I run to my room.

I grab my head phones and turn on the one song that calms me down when I have panic attacks (song above) and I start singing with the song

Oh whoa oh oh..
Oh whoa oh oh ..
Oh whoa oh oh..

Oh whoa oh oh..

The sinking feeling sets..
It feels just like a hole inside your chest..
I know your thinking no no no no it is easier..
Said and done, but please let me attest I know it's hard..
Your feeling like your trapped..
But that's how you react..
When you cannot see the light..
But try and see the light..

I kept singing until I felt better and I eventually fell asleep.

Little did he know... a certain Prince was listening to him sing, wondering why he felt the way he did.


Hey this is my first fanfic ever so please if you have any suggestions it would be very helpful!!!

Take it easy guys gals and non-binary Pals!

How have I not noticed? (Prinxiety)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora