The next day.

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(Virgil's Pov)

When I woke up...I felt better than I have felt in weeks. I actually got sleep for once, and it felt nice. I get out of bed and see that my jacket was soaked in tears. I sighed, got up, and went to my closet. I took my jacket off quickly and put another on easily. Whenever this happens, I don't look at my arms. It brings back memories I'd rather forget.

I look in the mirror and see my eye liner spread all around. I sigh again and just wipe the eye liner off. I also wipe all foundation off with it. I look into the mirror once again and see less bags under my eyes. I put a little less foundation on and put eye shadow under my eyes instead of eyeliner by accident.

I see my mistake and look into the mirror and smile. 'It looks better then normal. I may use do this more often.' I walk my way to the door and open it to see Patton.

"Hey Kiddo! You feeling any better? also love the eye shadow!" Patton says, smiling brightly. I chuckle "Yeah I feel okay, I accidentally did the eye liner with eyeshadow, but I like it." I Reply. Patton smiles and pulls out a plate of cookies from behind his back.

"Want one?" Patton says Smiling. I take a cookie and take a small bite. "They taste...great Patton." I lie.

'It's oatmeal raisin...ugh'

"Really? I didn't know you liked chocolate cookies!" Patton says grinning "They're oatmeal raisin Patton" I say chuckling.  " like them?" he says questioning. "Not really...just was trying to be nice...i do like chocolate cookies though"

I say. "oh okay well I gotta go and tell Logan he needs to be careful, he put his cookies in the chocolate cookies jar." Patton says, looking kinda annoyed with Logan's mistake.

Patton walks off to Logan's room and I walk to the Kitchen for something to drink. As I walk in i see Princey singing Something There from beauty and the beast. As I grab a soda Princey sees me and stops singing.

"Hey Jack smellington," he sighs. "Sorry about yesterday, I shouldn't have blamed you for our mistake." I look at him for any sign that he is lying but only see guilt "It's okay I guess..." I sigh.  'Roman has never apologized to me. He normally just calls me mean na-'

"You okay Dr. Gloom?" Roman suddenly says, taking me out of my thoughts. I realize I was staring at him the while time.I look away blushing slightly " O-oh um... y-yeah I'm fine" 'Damn I should have put more foundation on to hide the blush. why am I blushing anyway, it's not like I like  him or anything'

I grabbed a cookie and started to walk to my room, watching the outcome of the valentines day video. Apparently Patton or Roman must have had to play me. no wonder I seemed a lot meaner in the video. I bet it was Roman...


Hey guys thanks for reading this. I actually updated sooner than I expected

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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