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Keep in mind this turned into a Private Roleplay book, exclusive to the ones I have roleplayed before.

R U L E S :

1. Cussing is allowed. Just censor it, yeah?

2. Make a form first before roleplaying.

3. No one-liners. I want effort and detail. Roleplay in third person only.

4. Smut is a yes, only in pm though. I solemnly swear I am up to no good.

5. Tag me if I don't reply in two hours.

6. Hate the oc, not the roleplayer.

7. Roleplay in THIRD PERSON.

8. Avoid spamming me, I have a life too.

9. Have fun~.

I'll reply to you with: Mischief Managed

Meaning you're good to go!

Private RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now