School is hell

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Shadow never liked going to school. Of course, most students claimed this but in her case it was a complete despise of the sheer walk to the building. The entering of the hallways. Judging looks weighing heavy upon her smaller and slim statue.
She had always been the smallest around and, despite being a fully powerful vampire and half witch, the bullied and silent one. She never fought back as for some reason she just was way too scared.
Students would murmur and mumble when she walked past them, her nails pressing tiny marks in the books that she held tight to her chest. Nobody liked her. Because the whole town knew who she was.
Or better. Who they all thought she was.
Just what police had claimed. Just exactly what made judges force her to go to an asylum at the early age of only six years.
'Look, isn't that the Black's daughter?' Shadow heard most often from one corner of the hallways. Following came.
'Yeah I heard she killed her whole family as she was six. She even lives in the same house where she did it.'
Of course, nobody would listen to her. Nobody would believe that actually her uncle murdered her family in the most brutal ways they all could even think of. That he even tried to kill her.
But the words weren't the worst that Shadow had to go through each and every day.
There always was WORSE.... ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀

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