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You gasped in pain when your back hit the hard wall. A hand roughly grabbed your neck and pinned you even harder against it.

"What's the matter you Runaway bitch?! You asking for a death wish?!" Bakugou tightened his grip on your neck even more that the vision in front of you was getting blurry.

"I told you to... stop bothering Izu-chan... Katsuki-kun... he doesn't deserve it..." Your voice was hoarse from the choking and you swore that you were about to faint from lack of oxygen.

Bakugou gritted his teeth at the mention of Midoriya. "Do you want to get the hits instead huh?! You stupid bitch, why do you care for that Deku anyways?!" He started burning your neck with his quirk, your eyes widening in panic. You tried to get out of his hold by holding his wrist with both of your hands and kicking him but he only laughed at your lousy attempts. He roughly let go of your neck, the fresh air finally filling your lungs. You fell onto your knees and grabbed your neck, trying to soothe the pain away.

There were probably going to be some nasty bruises in the morning.

"You disgust me," You look up at Bakugou to see him looking down at you with a deathly look in his eyes. You whimpered under his gaze, afraid of what he was going to do to you next. "Both you and Deku, you fucking nerds, always protecting each other. Why don't you just quit with all the hero stuff? Your quirk is only good for running away." He turned around and started to walk out of the empty classroom. A couple of minutes later you got up and started walking towards the bathroom to cool down the fiery sensation around your neck.

You applied cold water onto the burning area. The feeling of the icy cold liquid coming in contact with your burned neck made you wince in pain. You looked at yourself in the mirror above the sink.

I look like shit.

You picked up yor schoolbag and the stack of papers that couldn't fit inside it and started heading home. You though about Bakugou's words, when he told you to stop acting like a hero and to stop protecting Izuku.

That's what you've been doing for the last couple of years. Protecting Izuku from him.

You, Izuku and Katsuki were childhood friends. The three of you lived right next to each other's until your aunt decided it was time to move away. Your new home wasn't that far away from your old one so you were still able to attend the same middle school and junior high as them. You were the first one who started noticing the changes that Bakugou was going through after his quirk manifested. At first only poor Midoriya was the one who would get beat up because he was just a 'quirkless idiot' in Bakugou's eyes. But after an incident where you were trying to protect Midoriya, you were Bakugou's second target of his bullying. Sometimes you would try to fight back but most of the times you would run away by teleporting a good ten meters away from him.

That was your quirk, teleportation. But Bakugou would always put you down because of it,saying that it wasn't suitable for a hero but only for running away.

That's where you got the nickname Runaway from him.

But you were going to show him that you can become a hero.

That's why you were applying for U.A. High School,a school for heroes in training, together with Midoriya. Even though Bakugou doesn't know that yet (which is better for your well being).

On your way back home you were so deep in these thoughts that you accidentally bumped into someone. Your rear colided with the hard concrete floor, the papers you were holding in your hands scattered all around you.


"I-I'm terribly sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" You exclaimed, not looking up at the stranger at all while desperately trying to pick up all the papers. You blinked when a hand appeared in front of your face. You looked up to met a boy with half red, half white hair. You looked more closely at him, noticing how stunningly attractive the boy looked. How can someone with such hairstyle look so...


"Are you going to take it or not?" You blushed and looked away from him when you realized how inappropriate you staring at him was.

"S-sorry." You took his hand and he pulled you back up onto your feet. He crouched down and started picking the papers up. You waved your hands in fron of your chest. "Y-you don't have to do that! It's okay, I can handle it." But he already picked them all up and handed them to you. You took a brief glance at his face once more, noticing more intriguing thing about his facial features.

Such beautiful, heterochromatic eyes.

"Can you please stop staring at me like that? You're making me uncomfortable." You blushed once more and literally jumped a step back from him but not before you took the papers from his hands.

He said that with such a straight face.

You started to scratch your neck in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry! It's not everyday that I see someone with such beautiful features." You slapped a hand over your mouth. Did you just seriously say that aloud?

He ignored your words, the bruises on your neck catching his attention. They looked pretty fresh and he could notice that they were actually bloodied.

"Are you okay?" He actually sounded worried. You looked at him puzzled but soon got the message when he pointed at your neck.

He must've notice your bruises.

"Oh these?" You gently ran your fingertips over the bruises because they still burned. "This is nothing, it happens a lot." Your wrist watch beeped 7 PM making your heart jump in panick. "Uh-oh. Auntie's going to kill me!" You started to run towards your house, passing by the confused boy. "Thanks for the help. Bye!" You waved at him and left him all alone on the streets.

He looked at your retrieving form and sighed, little less knowing that this wasn't his last encounter with you.

What a weird girl.

Explosions and Icy Flames (BNHA) [Bakugou Katsuki x Reader x Todoroki Shouto] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang