chapter two - The Lovers

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Hawkins, Indiana

March, 1985

Chapter two - The lovers

Steve was sat cross-legged on the flannel sheets of the wooden framed bed. He highlighted the now finished assignment on Omaha beach he was doing for Dustin, boxing paragraphs in red and shading quotes from the book besides him in blue. He continued to glance at the opened book, his finger trailing under the words as he silently read them.

Billy was stood in front of the bed, lifting his weights with his music in the background. His toned skin was glistening in the morning light that poured through window, a sheen of sweat over his body. Billy released a heavy grunt and Steve looked up at him through his eyelashes, smiling. Seeing Steve watching him, Billy gave him a toothy grin while licking his teeth and the brunette chuckled with cherry cheeks.

"You done with your little assignment, Princess? Cause I am itching to get moving," Billy said bubbly, loudly dropping the weight and shouldering on his maroon button up. Steve sighed deeply and rolled off the bed, strutting over to Billy and peeling the shirt off. The Californian laughed seductively.

"Did my workout get you all antsy, Cherry pie?" Billy wiggled his eye brows while Steve gave him his mom look and he threw the shirt in the laundry basket.

"Not one bit. You need to wear something that's actually suitable for this weather, I know it's nearly spring but it's fucking freezing," Steve ordered authoritatively, digging around in his wardrobe where he pulled out an AC/DC shirt and Billy's leather jacket.

"This will do, cause I know you hate sweaters for some fuck-shit reason and this will still keep you looking all big and tough," Steve said the last bit in a voice he would talk to a child in and shoved the articles of clothing into Billy's arm. He laughed heartily, slapping Steve on the ass as he walked away to the bedroom door.

"You are such an jerk," Steve mumbled as he left and Billy grinned, throwing the shirt on.

"You have a nice ass, I can't resist!" He called and he heard Steve laugh from the down the hall. After Billy decided to put the leather on later, he jogged down stairs into the kitchen, where Steve was cooking breakfast. The radio was on, some song by The Kinks playing.

"The kids are coming over later, all their parents are having this little get together for a couple of hours," Steve informed as he passed Billy a cup of coffee, who took a small sip as he ventured over to the living room. He fell into the couch with the cup cradled in his hands.

"I thought we were supposed to go out?" Billy asked through a yawn and Steve came into the living room with a plate of bacon and toast for him. Billy watched Steve sit down next to him, no food or drink, and he sighed unhappily.

"You ain't been eating good, darlin'," Billy stated concerned, sipping more of his strong coffee, Steve visibly tensed and his knee bounced as he bit his lip. Two things that indicated Steve feeling anxious. Cause the lip biting didn't count, Steve always big his lip.

"I know... I'm just.... fuck I don't know," Steve murmured quietly, Billy placed a comforting hand on Steve's juddering thigh and smiled at his boyfriend, who did so back thankfully.

"Listen, it alright. The therapist said this PTSD bullshit affects your appetite, just take your time and don't worry," Steve slowly nodded and sighed quietly, the song on the radio finished and when Billy heard the beginning of Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers, He grinned. They'd danced to this the night they'd gotten together.

"Hey Stevie, it's our song," Billy stood up and took Steve's hand in his, who smiled as they went into the centre of the room. Steve rested his head on Billy's shoulder and Billy swathed his arms around his waist, the brunette held onto his shirt like a drowning man. They swayed along to the song, it echoed through the large, empty house and swallowed them. Billy kissed Steve's hair and placed his chin where he'd kissed, Steve sighed happily. He felt at peace. He felt safe in Billy's arm.

The song was almost over when they both heard a scratchy "click" and the wiring of something, as if there was a printer going off. They parted and turned around to see Dustin and Eleven standing in the doorway. Eleven was holding her Polaroid camera Steve had gotten her for Christmas. Dustin was peering over he shoulder, both veiwing the picture with proud smiles and sparkling eyes, as if they'd taken a picture of Bigfoot.

"Now that's perfect!" Exclaimed Dustin and Eleven nodded enthusiastically, Steve coughed and they looked up at him. Steve was in his mom pose, hands on his hips and pursing his lips with a "What the Hell do you think you're doing?" look.

"What the Hell doing think you're doing?" He interrogated momfully and Billy lent against the back of the couch, smirking.

"Me and El came early. And when we came in, you two were in a very intimate moment and El took a picture, it's very nice," Dustin explained, Steve's forehead creased and he walked over to the pair as El handed him the picture. It was in black and white, he was enveloped between Billy's arm and they were standing at an angle that was almost diagonal, enabling the camera to capture their peaceful expressions. He brushed his thumb over the picture, a warm shiver coursing through his body from his head to his toes.

"Oh... thank you El," he said quietly, almost overwhelmed, she looked up at him with a smile.

"You like?" She asked simply and Steve nodded, pressing it to his chest with his hands.

"I love it," he replied.

"You gonna cry, Steve?" Dustin queried, sarcastic but slightly worried, and Billy immediately made his way over to him and Steve shook his head.

"No, it's just a nice photo and how on earth did you two get in here? The doors are all locked," Steve changed the subject and Dustin held up a key: the spare key Steve gave him in case there was trouble. Steve was about to say something when the phone started ringing, he told the kids to make themselves at home as he walked over to the phone and picked it up.

"Hey Steve," greated the sweet voice Delilah, he smiled.

"Hey D, what's up?" He leaned against the wall and wrapped his other arm across his chest.

"Is Billy there? I have some friends here for him," She questioned and Steve gave an intrigued look to his boyfriend, who was making a conversation with El and Dustin. He smiled, glad they were all getting along now.

"Let me get him," he pressed the phone to his chest, "Billy, you have friends on the phone," he called and Billy stood up, confused as he took the phone and Steve shrugged.

"Hello?" He began cautiously.

"Billy boy!" Cried out a New York accent, he immediently recognised who it was and jumped 3 in the air out of excitement.

"Bobby!" Billy exclaimed, he bounced on his feet and Steve watched with a surprised expression, leaning against the couch. He smiled when Billy began to rave jubilantly on the phone, his blue pools shimmering with such glee and joy that it made Steve's heart swell. Suddenly Billy became less hyperactive than he was, but the merriment still sparkled and he licked his lips then pressed then together. Steve had taken note that this was Billy's little habit when he got a bit nervous.

"Well, of course, it's a serious thing," Billy swept his tongue over his lips and pressed them together again. Chuckling, the Californian locked eyes with Steve's and gave him a small yet meaningful smile.

"Yeah... I love him," Steve's heart actually stopped. Because after 5 months of dating, Billy had never said anything to do with love. No "I love you" to Steve or "I love him" to their friends. And Steve understood it, because Billy was not good with words and he'd never been in a proper relationship. So when he heard Billy say that, it was like everything had been made clear and it deeply moved him.

Dustin and Eleven shared a look, cause they knew and the look on Steve's face was just heart-warming.

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