Chapter 4- The figure in the fog

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     "Wait what?" I said in disbelief. I found that this concept sounded incredibly stupid.  "Yeah, that's how strong they are. I don't know what sorcery it is but yes, they're killing the dead." he said. I just looked at his serious expression, holding my breath, trying to hold in my laughter. I started to redden from the lack of air and Ace seemed to have noticed this, together with my struggle to hold all my laughter in.

     "Are you okay?" He asked worry written all over his face and then I finally burst into laughter my eyes watering slightly from the intense laughter. He just stared at me, blinking his eyes in half amusement and half in disbelief. He kept looking at me patiently as he waited for my laughter to die down. I eventually recovered, fixed my expression and sat up straight. "Seriously? What is wrong with you?" He said giving me a non-chalant look.

     "It's just the fact that they're out killing the already dead, its just sounds..." I said slightly trailing off. "Stupid." Ace finished for me and gave me a 'let's get serious' look. I cleared my throat and composed myself. I remained silent for another few moments signaling to him that I was indeed ready to get serious. "Thank you." He smiled weakly at me. I just looked back at him. "And by the way, worry is an expression that doesn't exactly look good on that pretty face of yours." I said teasing him, he started to slightly redden as he just stared at me, probably in disbelief or shock.

     "So what's our plan?" I asked breaking the silence. Ace snapped out of his trance and fished a piece of paper out of his pocket. He unfolded the paper and silently looked at it. He then kept it away and stood up brushing off all the dirt on his long coat. "Where are we going?" I asked as he walked off into the distance. I followed slowly after him, trying to catch up to his pace. He looked into the distance as the cold wind blew against his black shaggy hair and coat. Trailing shortly before him, I could smell his masculine scent. It fit quite well to his personality, and well, occupation. 

     "You'll see." he said.

     After walking for a few minutes, we stopped in front of a three story mansion. The house was visibly taken care of because all the plants look regularly maintained as was the white walls. We stood by the drive way under a light post. It was so silent that all I could hear was the wind and the buzzing of the lights.

     "What are we doing here?" I asked looking up at Ace. He seemed to be deep in thought. I wonder what he could be thinking. 

     "Do you not know this place?" He asked giving me a confused look.

      "No? Should I?" I said shrugging. 

     "The guy that lives here is really freaking popular. Not only inside your school but outside too. He practically throws all of the high school parties in your school.  Aside from that he's the captain of the football team." he said giving the 'matter of fact look". I glared at him and he just shrugged.

     "Do I look like the type of person who goes to parties? Don't I reek 'misfit'?" I said to him pointing at myself, raising one eyebrow at him. He looked me up and down and gave me an approving look. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

     "Take my hand." He said and I immediately complied. Then in a split second we were in a totally different room. It was dark and warm in here. The only source of light was from the moon outside of the window. I felt Ace leave my side as he walked over to what I believed was a wall. He then reached for something, it was the light switch. The room was then lit. I looked around and saw a half naked sleeping body on the bed. I then realized that we were in the room of the owner of the house and probably the team captain of the football team and the guy that always threw parties. He had dirty blonde hair a perfect face and a toned back. I looked up at Ace and gave him a confused look.

     "What the hell are we doing here?" I whispered to him. He was at the opposite side of the bed bending down on the sleeping figure. He took out an  envelope and placed it by the face of the guy and strolled towards me. He then turned off the lights and took my hand in his and teleported us out of here. 

    We ended up in front of another house. This time it was a regular house. No over the top gardens and pools. Just a regular house for well, regular people. Hopefully. We did the exact same thing. We teleported in, tip toed silently and left the same exact envelope by their sleeping faces. The only difference was that this 'victim' was a female. We left and did the exact same thing for another few times. I remained silent through the whole thing until we teleported to an empty parking lot. It looked like there wasn't going to be anymore victims so I heaved a sigh in relief.

     "What the hell did we just do?" I whispered more to myself than to Ace. "You'll see." He said. I was starting to get tired of not know what we're doing next. Heck! Maybe the next thing we do is jump of a cliff or maybe even break into another house. The suspense of not knowing is just infuriating.  "Hump!" I said crossing my arms turning the other way. 

     I sat on the pavement and hugged my knees. I took my phone out to check what time it was. It was now 4 am. Wow, time passed by quick. I still have classes tomorrow which I don't want to attend but need to. I kept my phone and simply looked around. 

     I only realized then that the parking lot was completely empty and that there were no cars at all. More importantly the parking lot was surrounded by tall dark trees. There was no establishments either to explain the existence of the parking lot nor any sort of road connecting to it. It was just plainly surrounded by dark trees. But then all of the sudden I started to see fog form behind the trees quickly spreading towards us. My surrounding quickly blurred as the fog invaded the lot. The already cold temperature dropped even more. I started to shiver as I looked over to Ace

     He seemed to have taken a defensive stance and that rose my fear. It was as if we were bracing for some sort of attack. His aura then started to glow with what I believe is energy. He made the wind he was emitting turn into an outward and sharp direction. His aura then focus by his feet as he took stance. Then all of the sudden, the ground under him started to crack, forming a pit with  a loud noise making me gasp. The light by his feet grew stronger and brighter which made the pit grow deeper and larger. I then stood up and followed his gaze to reveal a dark tall figure in the fog slowly approaching us. The sky then started to grumble which made me and Ace look up. My anxiety rose. 

     "The wait is over." Ace said, his voice serious and stern.

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