Chapter 9- Misfits

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Melissa's POV

     "Since everyone was in, we'll be moving the next part of this whole shebang." Ace said as we all looked at him with high expectation and anticipation. "Which will be happening tomorrow." Ace added making all our hopeful looks disappear from our face. 

     "But why?" Eliot said looking a bit disappoint.

     "What do you mean but why? Its 6:00 in the morning. Hello, you guys have classes to attend." Ace said looking a bit irritated and tired. There could be something bothering him.

     "Screw school then." Eliot said.

     "Ok, so let's set rules. Since you all know a lot about the 'supernatural' and will eventually be part of it.  We. Need. Rules." Ace said with an authoritative tone. He started pacing as we simply looked at him.

     "So first of all you are not to allowed to tell anyone. May it be your parents, your significant other, siblings, priest or even your pet animals. Second you do not skip school unless it is an immediate emergency that needs to be attended to. For example if your powers go haywire on you or if something 'supernatural' came up." Ace said making quotation marks in the air.

     "Third, you can't spend too much time with other normal being anymore. An hour at most. Why you ask? Its because your powers can cause them to become ill. Really ill... Which means you guys will be forever staying in this group for else's safety. Fourth, when I summon you, no mater what it is your doing, stop and come to where ever I'm calling you from." Ace said as jeering was heard from the crowd. 

     "Don't worry, that wont really happen often. Only when it's an emergency. So that's the first four rules which will probably grow in number and of which you shall start implementing starting today. As of now you will all go back to school and you'll be back here tomorrow for the second part which I know you're all excited about." Ace said as he snapped his hand which made all of us suddenly end up in central park just a few blocks away from school.

      I looked around and found no sign of Ace being here with us. So was Altair absent. I guess they left us all alone to face the changes we're all about to experience. 

     "So I guess I'll see you all at lunch." Scarlet said as she looked down on her slippers awkwardly. 

    "My reputation will be demolished..." Jax said as he started to break down and fall to the ground, his face in his hands. Probably at the thought of him having to hang out with us.

     "Same." Summer said. She seemed to take this situation more calmly than she did with the situation a while ago. Something probably got through her.

     "I honestly don't have a reputation to take care of." I said shrugging.

    "My friend will be curious as to the sudden change of 'friends'. But honestly, they never were my friends." Eliot said as he sat on the ground and looked at the beautiful sunrise. 

     "I'm fine anywhere I go. No one will care. I'm sort of a social bunny, hopping from circle to circle." Alex said as she sat by Jax to comfort him. They both seemed to have grown accustomed to each other that it made me smile in hope for the same thing to happen to the rest of the group.

     "Lunch is usually my phone time, no one bugs me at the table then I'll be fine." Hunter said calmly as he shrugged. 

     We all then started to look up at the beautiful scenery before us, the sunrise as it had a sudden calming effect seem to wash over all of us. The moment was perfect, the morning breeze on our skin, the warm light hitting our faces together with the fact that all these changes as simply just the beginning to our long journey. 

     Everyone seemed so consumed by thought that we remained silent for a while. We all probably had our doubts about this being worth it or not. If we would eventually get our normal lives back after this whole this is over. Or if we will be enough to defeat Yellow. Even I don't even fully understand my role here yet but I have faith. Not only in Ace but in everyone who decided to help knowing they can't go back...

     I stiffened when I realized that I have now learned to believe. Growing up, I never believed in anything, even in my parents. I broke out of my shell completely today. Having a proper conversation with someone, feeling joy and having faith... Those three things I never thought I would experience till the day I left this sphere of mess, the earth. 

     "You guys do know were going to be late if we stay any longer here." Hunter said pulling all of us out of our train of thought.

     "Yeah, I'll just probably go and have a change of clothes." Summer said as she stood and dusted all of the grass off her pajamas. We all stood up shortly after her.

     "See you all at school." Alex said as she walked off into the opposite direction. Everyone eventually left, leaving me to be alone. I sat back on the grass as I stared back up at the sky again. I didn't necessarily need a change of clothes so I just sat back and relaxed with the time I had left before school started. 

      I sprawled on the grass, staring at the sky as I sighed.

      "I guess this make us misfits..." I whispered into the wind.

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