Chapter 26

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Shawn> Can we talk?

No response. He tried again.

Shawn> I wrote that song when I was hurt. Things are different now. Please don't run away from this.

No response. He felt alone and scared. Out of instinct, he began texting Pete, then realized they were in a fight.

A few minutes later, he arrived at Charlie's apartment. He paid the cab driver then practically ran towards the building. Charlie wouldn't buzz him up so he waited until someone opened the door.

Once he was at his door, he knocked.

"Charlie, please open up!" he cried out. "Let's at least talk about it!"

He did this excessively until an old woman next door came out into the hallway. "Keep it down young man."

"My apologies."

Once she was back inside, he tried knocking quietly. Still nothing.

Charlie sat on the other side of the doorway with his head against the wall. His eyes filled with tears until eventually they trickled down his cheeks.

Shawn leaned against the door then slid to the floor.

A little while later, Charlie got up and peered through the peephole. He had finally left.

Charlie then headed to his bed and crashed. He glanced at his phone, which had about 30 unread messages. He had 10 missed calls. "Fuck it." He said to himself then closed his eyes.

~ "I'm sorry son, but there are simply no funds available." The doctor said.

   Charlie's eyes filled with tears. "But he is still sick? Are you just going to let him die?!"

The doctor said nothing. "I'm sorry."

"This isn't right!"

"Perhaps your foster parents can..."

"What?! Spend the money on drugs and alcohol?! It's a joke!"

The doctor did feel badly for him, but his hands were tied. "Perhaps you could inform the state."

Charlie laughed. "How much longer does he have?"

"Without hospital care...A month...two maybe."

"Merry Christmas...doc." He said then stormed out.

Charlie wiped away his tears so Scottie wouldn't see him upset.

He took a deep breath before entering the hospital room. "Hey, buddy." He said with forced cheer.

Scottie smiled. "Where'd you go?"

"Went to talk to the doctor."

Scottie looked hopeful. "Can I go home soon?"


Scottie smiled. "Yay!"

"Are you really cheering to head back to Ms. Hannigan?"

Scottie giggled. "It's mean that you call her that."

"Well, she is mean so it fits."

Scottie frowned. "I mean, I don't want to go back to her, but I get to be with brother."

Charlie pressed his forehead to his. "That is the best part."

"I don't care what mom says."

"Don't call her that." Charlie said in anger.

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