Chapter 1

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(For reference:

Aileen= Ireland

Seamus= Northern Ireland

Allistor= Scotland

Arthur= England

and Dylan= Wales.

Anyone else that's Canon has their canon/fanon names as I see fit. This is my first real fanfic, please be nice, I know I suck.  -_-; )

     Aileen had sat down in her chair, grinning as she started to write down plans. Even after her independence, she still didn't hesitate to ask about holding a family reunion. And right now, she was making plans for hanging out with each of them. She looked into the mirror to check her reflection, not noticing the creature of inky black colour as she finished brushing her hair and going to her brothers' house as the creature took control, giggling. 

     She showed up about half an hour later, grinning. "Hey I'm here!" she called out, knocking on the door. She was welcomed inside by a hug from Dylan and a grin from Allistor. Seamus and Arthur were inside, sipping tea together. She laughed a bit. "Hey, it's Arthur and his mini me!" She said, ruffling their hair. There was much socializing, and catching up on missed events, and Aileen pulled the other Kirklands into a hug, saying, "Gee, I sure missed ya, guys. I-" There was a freeze. 

Dylan looked confused, saying, "What?"

 She smiled. "I loove...youuuuu.." and then she passed out, and Dylan and Allistor ran over to get her on the couch. Allistor checked her pulse, and for once there was fear in the Scotsman's eyes. 

"Her pulse is dropping, fast."

 Seamus and Arthur leapt up from their seats, the pot of Earl Grey tea long forgotten as they gathered around Aileen. "Mom??? MOM WAKE UP!" Seamus said, sounding scared.

Arthur ran downstairs, and Dylan grabbed the phone to call someone, anyone who could help them to save their sister. He dialed Alfred without thinking, his usually calm demeanor melting away even as Alfred picked up. "Hello?" 

Dylan was shaking right about now, saying, "There's an emergency, get Matthew and whoever else you can get before you come over here."

 There was a pause and Alfred said, "Right away!" Before hanging up and running off.

After making several more calls (And after Seamus managed to get Jett and Kai to come over) They all gathered around Aileen, and Arthur brought a potion. "We need to make sure she's the host, it is of dire importance that we enter the dreamland through the host." He poured a bit of the potion on her arm and it began to glow. 

Alfred backed up. "Woah..." 

Dylan sighed. "Just as I thought. Okay, everyone take a sip, time is of the essence. Seamus you stay here and monitor Aileen from the outside." He nodded, tears in his eyes. "The rest of you, brace yourselves, because we don't know what will happen. All I understand is that whatever weapon you think of, you get that weapon for the rest of your time in there. So choose wisely." Each of them gave a nod and took turns taking a sip of the potion, Alfred looking like he was about to vomit as Dylan scolded him lightly. "What did you think was going to be in there, pumpkin juice?"

Allistor snickered. "Thanks Madam Pomfrey." He teased a bit. Seamus let out a bit of a laugh and Allistor smiled, giving the small ginger a hug and wiping away the tears. "We'll make sure she's okay. Promise." He said, taking his sip as Alfred started to yawn and lay down. 

He said a drowsy, "That stuff's like drinkin' a warm glass" before passing out, fast asleep. One by one the others dozed off, Matthew agreeing to stay with Seamus as the others went off on their adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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