Chapter 6

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Annie's pov

"You got it right!!!!" Katie said

If you didn't know, Katie was my best friend in Maryland but something happened between us and then we started drifting away


"I flew here" Katie said

"With who??" I asked

Another person came in it was....

"Brennan??" I said confused

"Hi bbe" Brennan said smirking

"I'm not yours" I said

If you didn't know, Brennan is Katie's older brother


"We came here for you!!!" Katie said

"Why am I here??!!" I said scared

"We kidnapped you" Katie said

"Wait but how did you guys look big when you barged into my house??!!" I said

"We know people" Katie said laughing

"If they find you guys, you guys are going to jail" I said

"They won't find us in this really old house" Katie said

Hayley's pov

We came home to the door opened and things everywhere

My mom started panicking and was trying to call Annie but she wouldn't answer


My parents called the police and right now they're finding Annie while I'm just chilling on the couch with my friend Txunamy

"Do you think they'll find your sister??" Txunamy asked

"I hope so because I don't want to lose another sibling like what happened to Caleb" I said getting a little sad about bringing up Caleb

"Yeah I hope so too" Txunamy said

We were changing channels, when we stopped on the news

We don't watch the news but this one was VERY important

"A famous YouTuber named Annie Leblanc has been gone missing and the police are finding her right now, her parents are worried about her and she's been missing for 1 hour" The reporter said

And then he showed a picture of Annie

"If you've seen her, call ***-***-****" The reporter said

I was about to cry when the door opened

"Hayley let's go" My mom said

"Can Txunamy come??" I asked

"Sure" My mom said

We got off the couch and walked out the door

"Mommy??" I said as we enter the elevator

"Yes Hayley??" My mom said

"Are we going to find Annie??" I asked

"Of course we will Hayley" My mom said

As we walked out of the building, there were reporters outside

"Where's Annie Leblanc??"

"Where were you guys when she was taken??"

"How old is Annie Leblanc??"

"Where was Annie Leblanc taken at??"

A lot of people asked questions but this one question was shocking

"Do you think she's dead??"

My mom took me and Txunamy by the arm and walked away

We walked into our car and we stopped at the police station

We walked inside and my dad and everyone else was there

"Who do you think took her??" My dad said to the officer

"Do you know anybody from your family that came to visit??" The officer asked

My mom walked out...

Katie's pov (Their mom)

I ran out and called Katie's mom

(K: Katie J: Jill (Katie Donnelly's mom) )

K: Jill??

J:Hi Katie!!

K: Where are your kids??

J: Oh Ryan and Mike (Katie Donnelly's dad) are at a baseball game

K: What about the others??

J: They said they were going to LA yesterday, are they there??

K: I didn't see them but did you hear the news??

J: I'm so sorry about what happened Katie

K: Thanks Jill, wait but do you know where they are in LA??

J: They said they wanted to say hi to Annie


J: What's wrong Katie??

K: Do you know where they will stay at??

J: They said they were going to stay at this place ** ***********

K: I got to go, bye Jill

J: It was nice talking to you

I ended the call and went back inside

Hayley's pov

My mom came back and said

"I know where Annie is"


After my mom told the story

We went in the car and followed the police car

*35 minutes later*

Me and Txunamy woke up and we stopped at this abandoned house

We stayed in the car because my mom said it was dangerous

Annie's pov

Katie and Brennan were talking when we heard a gun shot

"Brennan get Annie" Katie said

Brennan carried me to a car and dropped me in the back seat

Katie and Brennan walked to the front and drove away to the place

I got up and looked at the back window and I see HAYLEY??!!

Hayley was looking.......

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