Table of Contents + More

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This story uses trigger warnings and image descriptions for your convenience!

Table of Contents
0. Prolouge A short introduction to Jen and her story. (500 words)

Quick Note
Written contents of this story & characters are my property and can not be used in other stories without my permission! Art scenes of this story may be mine, or somebody else's, and will be specified underneath the art or in the chapter description. You may create art featuring my characters, as long as you state that they are my characters from my story. 🖤

Also, this story can be found on Episode Interactive. The version on Wattpad, however, is an improved version! Many aspects of the plot will be different from the original!

I dedicate this story to:
•My best friend Zen for encouraging me to write and being a great inspiration for this story!
•Luna Rose for being the reason I made this story public (on Episode Interactive) and one of the sweetest people I know and a great friend!
•All my readers and friends!

Art Scenes
If you make fanart or an art scene for my story, I will feature it here (with your permission). You can post them on Instagasm and tag me, email them to me ( or DM me a link. You will be credited.

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