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Jen, a small feminine-bodied girl is seated at a dark brown office desk. She sits on an excersise ball, typing at an old computer. She has long chestnut brown braids and light skin. Her eyes are dark blue and she has applied orange lipstick to her thin lips.

A few stim toys are layed around her desk. The pink, green and blue Polyromantic flag is hung on the wall above her desk . Jen is wearing black PJ-shorts and a baggy t-shirt with the Asexual flag on it. She is smiling as she looks at her computer.

Jen bounces in her seat as she clicks away at her keyboard.
In a minimized tab, Jen is video chatting her older sister, Clara. Clara's long dark black hair is messy and she seems more pale than usual.

"How is University? You look stressed," Jen asks, not looking up from her keyboard.

Clara sighs. "It's not going great. I just barely passed a big test I had. This medical stuff is stressful," she says, her brown eyes looking watery.

"You know, you can always take an easier course," Jen replies with a shrug. "I won't think less of you, and neither will Dad. I don't like it when you're stressed,"

"No, no," Clara shakes her head. "Doctors make good money. Money can help Adrian transition, and help you get into a good art school. You still want to be an artist, right? Artists need pricey art supplies," Clara points out.

"I don't think Adrian would want you to do this to yourself either. I know you love her, but it's your life too," she reminds her.

"We aren't here to talk about me, anyways." Clara says, dismissing Jen. "How have you been? How is the scholarship application going?"

"I'm working on it right now," Jen says, shaking her hair lightly and rocking in her seat. Clara smiles, watching her happy stim.

"Good luck, and let me know how it goes!" Clara respondes. She brushes her hair out of her face.

*TW: Mention of self-harm and suicide. Please skip to the next set of bolded text for a summary if you feel this will disturb you.*




"What's on your arm?" Jen asks with a gasp. "Nothing," Clara says quickly, her face turning red.

"Did, did you hurt yourself?" She questions. "No, nothing happened. It must just be the lighting,"

A few tears rolled down Jen's cheek. "You aren't cutting, are you?"

"I, I did. Just once. But, please, please don't tell Dad! He will freak out. I don't want him to worry," Clara begs.

"I won't," Jen says, unsure if she is going to keep her word. "Promise me you'll get help, I don't want you to end up like Mom...,"

A moment of silence passes.

"I... I promise," Clara says.




*Summary: Jen finds out her sister is self-harming. She recalls how she lost her mother to suicide and Clara promises she will seek out help. Jen says she won't tell her Dad about Clara, but is unsure if she will keep her word.*

End of prolouge

If you are self-harming or experiencing suicidal thoughts, Jen and I also encourage you to seek out help. If a peer or loved one tells you they are self-harming or suicidal, you should tell a trusted adult or refer them to a hotline.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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