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"Yoongi-hyung?" I hear a voice calling me.


"Hm?" I mutter.

"Class is finished hyung." I realise it's Taehyung speaking and I've been staring out the window for almost a whole two hours.

"Oh, right." I get up and follow Taehyung outside. The rain is light now, unlike earlier.

"Did you pay attention at all?" He asks me with an eyebrow raised.

"Not really." I admit. "I'm feeling a little distracted today."

"Well anyway, I'll see you later." He turns to go in the opposite direction and waves.

I walk to my car and as I get in it starts raining heavier like before. I start the engine and hear my phone start ringing.

"Yoongi-hyung?" Hoseok's clear voice comes through the phone speaker.

"Yeah, what is it?" I ask.

"Can you pick me up? My bus broke down in the rain." He says.

"I'm on my way." I reply.

"Thanks hyung!" He chirps before hanging up.

I drive to his school and find him waiting under the bus stop for me. I pull up in the bus area and he quickly gets in.

"I was on my way home from uni, so you're lucky Hoseok-ah." I tell him.

"I know you love me." He teases, gently elbowing me in the arm.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes.

We get home and Hoseok races inside, grabbing a packet of chips and crashing onto the couch.

He flicks on the tv and finds the channel he wants, which is playing a movie.

"Let's watch a movie together hyung!" He turns in the couch to look at me.

I shrug and sit down next to him. I grab a handful of chips and eat them slowly.

He shifts on the couch to lay on my shoulder, and the chips are between us.

Halfway through the movie I notice Hoseok isn't reaching for the chips anymore and when I look down he's asleep

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Halfway through the movie I notice Hoseok isn't reaching for the chips anymore and when I look down he's asleep.

I roll up the packet of chips and put it on the coffee table out of the way. I reach for the blanket and pull it over him.

It's late and we should go to bed, but he's sleeping so peacefully I don't want to move him.

So I stay still; but eventually my head starts to drop as I'm getting weary, and I end up falling asleep with my head resting on Hoseok's.

- Jisu

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