I Love My Life.....

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*3 weeks later*

I woke up from a really bad dream. I was sweating a lot. I started crying.

Millie: Y/N?! What happened?!

I didn't say anything, I just hugged her. She hugged me back. I told Millie what the dream was about. She just hugged me again.

We got out of bed and went to look for clothes to wear. I just put this on

When we got out the room, I felt someone grab my hand

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When we got out the room, I felt someone grab my hand. I kind if got scared. But I knew it was Joe. I turned to him smiling.

Joe: Good Morning, Beautiful!
Y/N: Morning, Handsome!

*at set*

Joe and I walked in holding hands. I let go off his hand, and he made a sad puppy face. I started laughing and held his hand again.

*time skip*

They changed me into the hospital gown.And they just curled my hair a bit.

*Matt: Anddd!!! Action!*
(Mike, Eleven, Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Steve go to where Papa has Janet. The Mind Flayer has Will)
(Janet is on Eleven's old bed)
Mike: Janet!(kind of screaming whispering)
Eleven: (closes her eyes and puts her hand out)(the door falls to the floor)
Janet: (turns around) Eleven!(hugs her) I thought you guys wouldn't come for me!
Lucas: Why would you think that?
Janet: I don't know
Dustin: Your our friend!
Max: We would do a lot for you!
Steve: A lot!
Janet: Thank you guys!
(they all have a group hug)
Eleven: (hands her clothes) Here
Janet: thank you
(she changes into this

 The Mind Flayer has Will)(Janet is on Eleven's old bed)Mike: Janet!(kind of screaming whispering)Eleven: (closes her eyes and puts her hand out)(the door falls to the floor)Janet: (turns around) Eleven!(hugs her) I thought you guys wouldn't come ...

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Steve: Ready?
Janet: (looks at Steve)(looks straight ahead) Ready (starts walking)

*Ross: Cut!*

I started laughing because when I started walking I slipped when Ross said cut. Joe helped up. I read over the lines again.

We looked at the scene again. I'd say it came out great.

I started talking to Sadie and Noah about what was going to happen.

*Matt: Action!*

(They all walk in where the gate is)
Janet: Holy-
Dustin: Shit...
Janet: How did this happen?
Eleven: There was two gates...but we didn't see the second one. I closed the first one...now you need to help us close this one
Janet: Alright
Mike: there is just a problem...Will is in there...
Lucas: We need your help
Janet: Why me! Eleven is stronger!
Eleven: No I am not!...You are the stronger one! We need your help please!
Janet: (sighs) Alright...
Janet: lets do this (starts walking to gate)
Eleven: Papa?...
Janet: What are you doi- WILL!
Janet: LET HIM GO! (tries to walk to get Will)
Mike: Let me go you bastards!
Janet: (turns to Mike and everybody else) (the bad men are holding them back) (turns to Papa) LET THEM ALL GO!!
Papa: why would I?
Janet: Because.......you can take me instead of them...I will do anything you want...just please let them go
Papa: that seems fair (pushes Will to Janet)(Will falls to the floor)
Janet: (picks Will up)
Will: Janet...please don't do this (starts cying)
Janet: you guys are my friends(starts crying) and I would do anything for you guys (smiles and a tear falls)
Will: (grabs Janet's hands) Don't leave us
Janet: (smiles) (lets go off Will's hands) (walks to Papa)
Eleven: JANET!!! (Bad men hold her back) LET ME G- JANET!(crying)
Janet: (hugs Papa)
Papa: Welcome back Four
Janet: thank you Papa...
Papa: (hugs Janet)
Janet: Papa..?..I'm sorry...
Papa: For what?
Janet: For this (throws Papa away with his mind in the upside down) (looks at all the bad men and blinks) (they all die) (wipes nose)
Dustin: Wow...
Steve: She's amazing...
Eleven: Janet! I thought you would leave us!
Janet: I will never
Eleven: (hugs Janet) Promise?...
Janet: (hugs her back) (stars crying a bit) Promise...
Janet: (walks to gate) You can do this Janet (whispers) (puts her hand out) (focus on closing the gate) (Soldiers come) (Steve and Eleven start attacking) (Janet can't really focus)
Eleven: Don't focus on closing the gate, focus on something that gets you mad!
Janet: (closes her eyes and thinks about something that gets her mad) *wich Y/N will shoot another day* (opens her eyes) (the gate closes faster) (lebitates like Eleven in season 2) (Starts screaming because of the pain) (the gate closes) (she falls to te ground)

*Ross: Cut!*

*time skip*

After doing some stressful but worth it scenes I changed into this

After doing some stressful but worth it scenes I changed into this

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I went to the boy's room. The boys went to sleep in the girls room for tonight. They said they wanted to give us some time for ourselfs.

Joe and I watched Netflix. While watching Supernatural, Joe out of nowhere started kissing me. I got surprised a bit. Ofcourse I kissed him back. His smile broke the kiss.

Joe: What did I do to deserve you?
Y/N: I don't know
Joe: (kisses her again) I (kiss) love (kiss) you (kiss)
Y/N: I love you too (kisses him again)

We both pulled away and we both started watching the TV. He put his arm around me. I layed my head down on his chest and fell sleep.....

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