Mutation, Pain, and more Pain

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I woke up to the sound erasers banging my cage. They dragged me to the lab and restrained me to the metal table, minutes later, Dr Cassandra came in with wired looking syringe filled with a colorless liquid "what is that " I asked fearfully "oh this little thing, this is cuttlefish DNA, very  painful little thing but has a higher survival rate, well now enough talk more screaming" and with that she plunged the syringe into my chest.

Pain excruciating, overwhelming, agonizing pain that's all I felt, although it wasn't life swimming in the Styx but it was close. Every cell in my body, every nerve was overwhelmed with pain. Don't know for how long but I no that when I woke up I was in a different cage. I looked around and it was like my former cage but slightly bigger,I looked at my arms and saw they were transparent but they where still there, I focused and it changed back to its normal tan complexion, camouflage I thought, minutes later erasers came in, I quickly tried to blend in with my surroundings then I remembered I was still wearing pants, and it would be weird to see pants suspended in thin air, with that the erasers grabbed me and I was forced to be completely visible again.

I was taken to the lab again and saw my nightmare in the form of Dr Cassandra who smiled gleefully when she saw me "I see you have already learnt how to use your abilities so that said we move back to the endurance tests" I could only groan, this was going to be a long and painful eternity for me.


The past few days have been torture for me but my promise to myself to survive is the only thing keeping me going. Today I was scheduled for another DNA infusion this time it was a gazelles DNA and like last time it was painful.

It has been a month now I am either in my cage in the lab or undergoing the torture they call an endurance test, but today I have a feeling that something terrible is going to happen to me, well something terrible is  always happening to me but this time I can't help but feel goosebumps. That night I was brought to the lab and I thought it was for another DNA infusion, well technically it was but this syringe didn't have the normal colorless liquid instead it had some thing that could only be described as liquid fire "honey since you have shown tremendous success we are going to step things up a notch, this right here, is a Phoenix DNA, and you my dear are the lucky person that it's going to be used on. Normally when giving an avian related DNA we hollow your bones so" ""Doctor Cassandra?" A man with a very big nose slipped into the room, followed by an Asian lady and a masked man. "Can we assist you in any way?"
"Oh yes, always. I'm looking for the . . ." She rummaged in a cupboard. ". . . No, the sharp one . . . oh, where is . . . Ah-ha!" She held up a rather pointy looking stick..
"We'll just start preparing the Subject." The Asian lady bowed her head. This is the end I thought this is how I die, I was broken out of my thoughts by one of the whitecoats  "Someone hand me a numbing shot, please !" The big nosed man spoke through gritted teeth sounding incredibly irritated. Mask-Man gave him a syringe which Big-Nose gladly jammed into Percy's arm. He immediately went limp, eyes glazing over.
"Okay." Dr Cassandra said dreamily. She had to be out of it. No one in their right mind would do this. I blinked rapidly and my chest rose and fell faster than it should have. I didn't like seeing my ribs.
"Are you ready now, dearest?" She asked Percy. She smiled brightly. "We're going to work on your bones today! Isn't that exciting?"
"How many hits can you take? That's todays experiment." The "doctor" pursed her lips and brought the stick down again. I was gasping, sobbing, tears streaming over my cheeks, mixing with the blood on the floor.
my mouth opened again but Doctor Cassandra ran in front of me and kneeled down, and with that I lost consciousness

When I woke up he whip marks on my back were nearly healed from my beating. I knew i was gonna have some nice scars though. I didn't want scars. They reminded me of the pain and the pain reminded me of what they did here. I was starting to get feeling back in my body, so I didn't feel too bad. They didn't even bother strapping me in anymore, which was dumb on their part. If I could just . . . got it! I pushed myself up right and doubled over, gasping. The pain had toned down quite a bit but it was still there.

I spent the next couple of minutes working on my limbs, trying to get the blood flowing. Then I slipped off the bed I groaned and lunged forward, searching for anything sharp. The only thing I found was a scalpel.
I attacked the wall. Not that it did any good. There's only so much a scalpel can do. Escaping is not one of its properties.
The door opened behind me and, still in escape-mode, I hurled the small knife at it as hard as I could. It wedged itself in the wood, an inch from someone's eye. Dr Cassandra's to be exact. She stared at me, stricken, then looked at the scalpel in the door, then back at me.
"Oops." I grumble. She pulled the blade out and set it on the counter.
"I see you're doing better." I growled
"honey today you are going to the arena to test your fighting prowess".

Erasers pushed the door opened and in tow grabbed my arms. I ripped away and punched one, but something caught me from behind. The eraser squeezed harder at my neck and I gasped for air. My eyesight was going foggy. Black was edging in.

"No, don't kill it!"

That was the last thing I heard.
I woke up to darkness. I fell asleep to darkness so it was logical to wake up to it also.
I was moving. The ground under me was rising, taking me with it.
Wondering what was happening, I stood up shakily. I felt for a wall and found one. My other hand reached the opposite wall as well. The elevator wasn't very big – my elbows were still bent.
The car stopped with a jerk. I stumbled for a second before regaining my senses. The door steamed and started rising. I blinked as a bright light invaded my vision. I took my time getting used to the light, then stepped out into what could only be called an arena.

There was a girl in the middle, fighting stance at the ready.

Brown wings rose above her. "This is going to be pain in the ass" I thought

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