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I woke up to the sound of beeping, "that's new" I thought, normally I wake up to silence. The beeping was becoming a pain in the ass and just then Dr Cassandra entered the room "magnificent aren't they, don't worry I just want to take your vitals and some blood, nothing pain related today really" although I highly doubted that but something told me she was saying the truth. "Rest while you can, next week, you are going to the arena"

True to her words, we were left alone that week, no torture or tests. But I knew that once that week was over, we were in trouble again.

The day of our escape started normal, we didn't even know we were escaping. That morning was like every other, me not being able to sleep, Max waking the flock up, nudge trying to make me talk, Max making small talk with everyone, Gazzy talking to Iggy about how to make explosions, fang glaring at me the whole time, you know the usual when suddenly a whitecoat flanked by some erasers came in and ordered the erasers to grab us and take us to the arena, normally I would be scared but now I was excited because I have been itching for a fight since forever and now I was getting it.

We were taken to the elevator and roughly pushed in and sent down to the arena. When we got there, we saw the whitecoats in the observation box with their cursed notepads "welcome subjects, today you are going to be fighting multiple opponents individually" she said in an anoying peppy teenage girl voice, as she was going back to her seat, a whitecoat pulled her back and whispered something in her ears and she grinned she came back to the microphone "oops my bad, did I forget to mention that it's a fight to the death" shocked gasps were heard all over the arena. "first up Fang versus Edward".

Edward was a huge mutant human and African elephant to be precise, the dude was almost 8ft tall an weight over 400 pounds with two 3ft tusks, "Begin", and with that Edward charged at Fang and from the look in his eyes, it was with the intent to kill, but fang had the advantage of flight so he whipped out his wings and took off, only swooping down to hit him when he was sure he wasn't going to be attacked, Edward purposely made himself open in order to bait fang and it worked, as fang saw the "opportunity", he swooped down and when he was within range Edward plucked him out of the air and squeezed the air out of him, fang was loosing color fast and in a desperate attempt to escape, he kicked Edward in the family jewels, "ohh" was heard from all the male occupants in the room including the whitecoats, fang quickly used his new found advantage to punch Edward a crack was heard, fangs arm was broken but the big guy was in too much pain to even register that he was hit or that the punch affected his opponent more than him, when fang saw that he was quickly regaining his bearings, with adrenaline filled power, he broke off one of Edward's tusks and stabbed him in the head, and with that, Edward dropped dead, while fang was looking in horror at what he had just done we heard Dr Cassandra laughing "well that was entertaining, next up, fang VS.... " she was cut off by an explosion in the far corner of the arena where a group of 12 people wearing all black stepped out of the newly created hole in the wall. All of them were mutants of a kind "School's out kids, if you know you want to leave get out of here now". We didn't need any more motivation we ran like our lives depended on it, which in every sense was true.

Over the noise I heard Dr Cassandra ordered all erasers to shoot to kill or capture. When we came out of the hole that was wide enough to fit 20 people we saw the spider kids swinging on the roof, we made eye contact and nodded to each other, with that, the flock took to the sky, well technically the roof but I didn't know how to fly so I was stuck to the ground, we reached the end of the hall where we either went upstairs to find the exit or we broke the glass and fly. The answer was clear to the flock but not to me, but I had to swallow my fear of being blasted out of the sky and help them break the glass. We were almost free when I saw an eraser taking aim at Joanna, apparently Blue saw this too and pushed her out of the way and in turn take the bullet for her "NO, conner you cant leave me, we haven't come this far just for you to die" ignoring her, Conner looked straight into mine and Max's eyes and said "protect her" and we watched the light leave his eyes "Max we have to move now or we are going to be joining him very soon" fang's voice snapped us back to reality, he was right, erasers were dropping mutants like flies and we were going to be next if we didn't move now. Without waiting for a response fang grabbed the still crying Jo and took off, how you cry with four spider eyes I don't know and right now I didn't care.

One by one all the bird kids took to the sky and it was just me left "fly 3 fly" I heard angels voice in my head. As she said this, I saw an eraser kill a kid that I think was part monkey because of the tail. Not needing any more motivation, I jumped.

I was falling, that was the only thing on my mind right now "use you wings". Oh right I have wings, how dumb can I be to forget that I have wings, well I will think about that later so I unleashed my wings and started flapping rapidly but I wasn't going any higher suddenly images of a small bird flashed through my eyes, how it rose from the ashes, how it first took flight, how it hunted how it utilized its powers in hunting, how it was stumbled upon by the school, how it was hunted without rest, how it was killed before it could reincarnate, and I realized that it was that Phoenix's DNA that was in me.

I watched a lifetime of memories in a few seconds and so I searched its memories for how to fly and with one big flap, I was soaring, although I stumbled a bit, but I was flying. In no time, I caught up with the rest of the flock, Jo was asleep in Max's arms, I guess Fang passed when I got near, I got nods of acknowledgement and I too nodded back. We looked back at the school in time to see it explode and turn to rubble "Awesome" I heard Gazzy shout.

Only one thought was on my mind, "this is going to be a long day".

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